Umbridge vs the Harry Potter Family

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Harry Potter: Hey guys, what should we do today?

Hermione Granger: Go to the library?

Ron Weasley: Prank Ginny?

Harry Potter: That's a good idea. What's your idea, Peeves?

Peeves: We should prank Umbridge!

Harry Potter: Yes! I love pranking Umbridge after what she did to me!

Ron Weasley: Definitely! How about you, Hermione?

Hermione Granger: Depends on what kind of prank it is.

Harry Potter: You thought of the idea, Peeves. What kind of prank will it be?

Peeves: Put shaving cream in Umbridge's bathroom and closet!

Harry Potter: That's a great idea! Are you going to help us prank Umbridge, Hermione?

Hermione Granger: Yes!

Later in the day, while Umbridge leaves for work, Peeves sneaks into Umbridge's house and fills up the bathroom and all the closets in Umbridge's house with shaving cream

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