Chapter 11: Grey Deliverance

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The dead had come for the living.

An infected Killer T Cell, with half of his face blown off, lunged at NK, with all intention to rip out her throat.

She steadied her footing before meeting the incoming abomination with an upward slash of Libertas.

Cold iron met rotting membrane as she cleanly cut off the remaining half of his face, leaving only a mushy stump of cytoplasmic matter dangling on top of his neck.

NK then grabbed her opponent by the collar, throwing him to the side, before swinging her sword once again to end the existence of her closest attacker.

"HOLD!" roared MT as he cut down rows upon rows of the undead with his chainsword. His eyes burned with rage, hating the fact that he would be the one to send his former comrade-in-arms into the afterlife. His weapon shrieked and howled every time its series of sharp teeth whirled straight into an enemy's disgusting organelles. "HOLD THE LINE!"

Behind him, the horde of the damned smashed into the KT's shield wall with ruthless abandon. They pummeled and pushed on the KT line, with some even trying to reach into the gaps to claw at their enemy on the other side. They shrieked horrific sounds, no living throat could even utter before the Killer T Cells on the front row ended them with a synchronized thrust of their gladius.

Still, the dead kept coming. Even as the KT cells butchered the first rank, immediately another batch replaced them with rotting abominations more ruthless and violent than before.

The horde of the damned was composed by an amalgamation of various cell groups that got infected. There were mauled normal cells missing all sorts of limbs in the mix as well as plagued neutrophils and zombie Killer T cells with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth. The veteran Killer T Cells gazed at their former brethren with absolute disgust as the virus transformed them into grotesque monsters that should only be allowed to exist in nightmares.

MT pushed his roaring chainblade on an infected normal cell, cutting him in half. Sticky cytoplasm burst out from his opponent's exposed organelles, showering him with crimson fluid.

He then proceeded to body slam a damned KT cell who had chunks of his membrane falling off. The undead immune cell staggered for a second before shifting his footing to lunge back at the KT leader.

MT didn't give the dead bastard any chance as he delivered a massive uppercut with his other free hand squarely on his diseased neck.

"Ultra-magnificent upper punch!" he roared.

The force of his blow completely obliterated the head of the dead KT cell into a burst of nucleus matter and cytoplasm.

"That's so lame!" NK laughed as she decapitated, skewered, and bludgeoned three opponents all at the same time. "You still give names to your punches?"

"Shut up!" MT growled with annoyance. "They are not punches, they are techniques!"

NK let out a sarcastic grunt before going back to the slaughter.

The constant shuffling and buckling of the undead horde have brought the two standing back-to-back. Dozens of their felled enemies surrounded them in a macabre circle as others vied their chances to attack them. The rest had moved to continue their assault against the KT shield wall were a heap of corpses also began to form in front of the formation.

An infected neutrophil with a missing eye climbed on top of one of his rotting compatriots and then proceeded to leap into the air to bypass the shield wall.

A Killer T cell on the first rank spotted the incoming undead already too late, and he immediately got smacked to the ground by the infected neutrophil's sheer momentum. The KT cell roared as he struggled to get his attacker away from him, but the neutrophil opened his wide gaping mouth and then proceeded to rip his throat out.

Cells at Work: EbolaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt