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Credits for the artwork below goes to ToxicStarr. He does commissions so if you like his work and want him to draw something for you, just PM me and I'll try to contact him. #helpinganartistfriend

By the way, this fanfic was heavily influenced by Warhammer 40k and that's why you see Macrophages in Space Marine Armor, NK as an Inquisitor and MT (Killer T cell) wearing Commissar uniform. ^^

She who stands with me shall be my sister

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She who stands with me shall be my sister...

"Sisters, we are outnumbered

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"Sisters, we are outnumbered... The enemy sends reinforcements, and we are surrounded... They can't get away from us now."

Infection grows from idleness

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Infection grows from idleness...

Cells at Work: EbolaWhere stories live. Discover now