He's calling my name

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Valentino's also buried at the creepy graveyard. I didn't want that, but Johnny explained to me it was the only cemetery there was, so we didn't have a choice. His death was hard on me, extremely hard. All I could do, was thinking about him and how he's no longer here. Sometimes I just randomly start crying. Johnny doesn't even ask me why anymore; he knows the reason. At night I can't sleep. When I close my eyes, I see his face in front of me. It's like all the life inside me, is sucked out the moment he died. I still can't believe he's gone. He shouldn't have died. All he did was saving me and my brother and all we did was watching him fight for us. I feel terrible, I bet Johnny does too. He doesn't talk about his feelings, but I can see it in his eyes. I'm sitting in my bed, unable to catch sleep. I walk over to my closet and grab the neckless Valentino gave me out of the pocket of my jacket. There's still some blood on it. The neckless shines bright. I recognize it, but I can't remember from what. I haven't showed it Johnny yet. "It's your way out of here." His last sentence. Why did his last sentence have to be so cryptic? Why couldn't he just tell me what he meant? He probably thought I knew what the neckless meant, who it was from, but the truth is that I don't. I sigh deeply. Why does it have to be this hard? I walk back to my bed and go lay in it. I place the neckless on my bedside table. I stare at it until I fall asleep.

'Jackie...' I wake up from a voice whispering my name. I don't know where the voice comes from, but I do recognize it. I get goosebumps. All the colour leaves my face. It can't be him. He's dead. 'Jackie...' he says again. I think I'm going crazy. I'm starting to hear dead people calling me. I look outside my window and try to ignore the voice. 'Jackie...' I hear it clearer now. He's calling me. He wants me to come visit him. I keep staring outside. 'Jackie, why don't you ever come visiting me?' I can't visit him; my brother says I can't. He finds it too dangerous. 'Jackie...' Ignoring the voice clearly doesn't work. I kinda feel drawn to it, I don't know why. I put on some clothes and shoes and slowly go down stairs. I have to do that without waking up Johnny. Luckily, I've walked down these stairs so many times now that I now which I have to avoid. My head's pounding. I have to hurry because I also have to be back home before Johnny wakes up.

It's cold outside, but not too cold. It's rather a bit fresh. The sky's clammy. There are barely any stars. The sky is filled with clouds. It looks mystical. I fastly walk to the cemetery. I can still hear him calling me. I follow his voice. It gives me a warm feeling on the inside and at the same time I feel the adrenaline rushing through my body. It's very dark outside, but I know the way out of my head. I've walked it many times when I went to school. I no longer go to school. It's creepy and everything there reminds me of Valentino and how he's no longer with us. His death was tragic and damaged Johnny and me forever. The thing I knew for sure, is that no matter what, I'd never forget him and what he did for me and my brother. Maybe that's why I was strongly feeling the urge to go visit his grave. To show him that I care and won't forget him. Th cemetery looks spookier in the dark, but I don't care about that right now. I'm here for my friend. He wants me to be here, he called me himself. I don't even consider the reason of him calling me or how it's even possible, I'm just happy to hear his voice. I slowly open the gate of the cemetery. It squeaks loudly. The sound hurts my ears. I'm pretty sure everyone in the town can hear it. I go inside. I realise I've never been on this side of the gate before. It gives me a weird feeling. I'm so excited that I forget to be scared. Johnny once told me how dangerous that is. When you're not scared in a town like this, bad things happen to you. I think bad things happen to be anyways, so it doesn't matter how I feel or what I do. I don't have hope that we'll ever escape this place. Johnny has taken the book home with him and read it. According to him we have to find the Mother of the Demons. If we defeat her, we're free. I don't even know who that is, or where we can find her, let alone how to defeat her. Johnny has been trying to figure that out for a while now, but he isn't much further than when he started.

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