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Drops of sweat rolled down from her forehead to her chin as the 35-year old packed the box with her scarf. She opened the main door to throw that mysterious box into the garbage that had caused a lot of havoc in her life. She thought that everything would be normal, the way it used to be.

The woman's thoughts were interrupted as she heard her daughter's voice coming from the back. "Mommy! I wanna ride my bicycle!" The 9-year old Hana chirped as she came out of the door with her pet dog, Kookie's leash in her right hand and her doll in the left.

She put Kookie on the floor and her doll in her pink bicycle's basket while beginning to settle herself on it.

"C'mon Kookie! We should have a race!" Hana said as she began to ride her bicycle with Kookie barking and running behind her.

The mother knew that her daughter won't go too far and would come in a minute or two, she opened the front door to enter her house.

She thought that the box would not interfere in her life ever again, but what she didn't knew that what was going to happen was far beyond her imagination.

"Oh no Kookie! You won! But don't worry, your winning won't last long because this was just the first round. I'm a 100% sure that I am going to win the second round." Hana said as she turned her bicycle around for the second round.

"1, 2, 3 and go!" Hana spoke as she fastened her pace to win the race.

As she reached her house, she parked her bicycle lazily in the garden. She entered the house and began climbing up the stairs hoping her mother would be there. She called for her. But no sign of her mother was found.

And then, Hana thought that maybe her mother would be in the bathroom. 'Silly me.' She giggled.

As Hana stood in front of the bathroom door, she called for her mother. "Mom? Are you there? Come out. You're scaring me." Then too, her mother won't answer.

When she started knocking on the door, the door pushed wide open making an agonizing creaking sound. She walked towards the bathtub and saw something she wouldn't even dare to imagine in her entire life.

Her mother's body was soaked in her own blood. Her hand was hanging free on the edge of the large tub where her body was half submerged.

Hana couldn't help it; she screamed.


Hana's eyelids shot open, carried by ragged breathing, causing her chest to be heaved up and down. It was hard to describe with words but there was a dreading feeling lingering around her chest. Her mom was there.

Her dead mom who died 8 years ago.

Hana's eyes travelled to the digital clock on the nightstand beside her bed. It was only 6 am. She sighed, bringing her hands to her face. "Why did you do this mom?" Hana murmured, feeling her breath hitting the palms of her hands.

Hana always would think that everyone was happy and were also financially stable. But her mom suiciding...was just another level. She believed that maybe someone or something was bothering her, that's why she decided to end her life.

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