Start from the beginning

"Which is very inconvenient indeed. Particularly when one considers the architectural composition of the structure. And so, with very little effort..." Elijah says as he sets the handkerchief on fire with the candle, "This place becomes an inferno"

Klaus looks up at his brother with a smile just as Elijah drops the bottle over the acolytes. When the bottle explodes the church is filled with their screams as they start to burn alive being trapped with no way of escaping.


Odette had gone to her boys' side once they arrived and while they had so many questions, they were more tired than anything. So, the mom promised to answer all their questions when they wake up and told them that everything was going to be okay as they closed their eyes resting their head on a pillow. Odette kisses their forehead before taking off their shoes and covers them with a blanket. Knowing the sun was set to rise soon Odette opens the curtain just enough for the sun to shine in rather than leaving a light on.

Hope laid in her own bed sleeping with her wrists in the black rusting cuffs, while Klaus walks into her room to stand by her bed looking down at his daughter.

"I know you're in there

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"I know you're in there. And I know you can hear me, so I want you to listen very carefully" Klaus says leaning over Hope and begins speaking in a whisper, his eyes glistening with tears "You are my daughter. You're a Mikaelson. And you are strong, and brave, unlike anyone I've ever known"

Odette walks down the hall but when she hears Klaus's voice, she stops to look at them and listen in to Klaus talking to Hope, "In fact, you helped me believe in something your uncle once said. 'Family is power'"

Klaus kisses Hope on the forehead, then sighs and turns around, finding Odette looking at him with tears in her eyes. Odette nods at Klaus to come near and Klaus approaches walking outside their daughter's room asking, "Are you, alright love?"

"You're a good dad, Nik. And you deserve the truth. There is something that you need to know about the ritual. Vincent didn't want to tell you because he didn't think that you'd go through with it, but I know that you will. I know that you'll do anything for her," Odette pauses as she couldn't look into his eyes when breaking the news, "Even if it means never seeing her again"

Klaus is completely taken aback, he is about to say something but was speechless, then he turns around to look at Hope

A word about the true intentions of the ritual had spread to all the Mikaelson's making Rebekah angrily walk towards Vincent who was downstairs preparing the floor for the ritual.

"Did you honestly think you could trick us into performing the ritual without telling the entire truth?" Rebekah asks walking up to him 

"You and your family aren't my problem," Vincent says walking past her to set a candle on the black square corner "The only thing that I'm concerned about right now is that little girl and the monster that's inside of her"

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now