"Good to hear that nickname not being used on me, Toshi," he said. He nodded to his hand on the door. "This you?" Though he knew the answer.

Yagi glared at the man and looked at the paper. He shoved the finger that was covering the hair part of the face away and grunted. "Fuck if that's me. Look at the shitty hair. I'd rather have your ugly hair than that ugly ass cut," he growled.

The red head faked a pained expression. "Bro, our hair's the same!" He said pointedly. Then he smirked. "Ojiro, go find some guards."

A plain looking man with a tail nodded and left quickly. The shark toothed guy dropped the paper to the ground and leaned into Yagi.

"That reward is gonna get me outta here," he said, eyeing the angry blond.

"Hey! I could use the money!" A guy with big lips said as he pulled Yagi away. "I need new baking supplies!"

A pink girl grabbed the wanted man away. "Whatta bout me?!" She cried. "I'm the the broke one!"

Suddenly everyone was onto Yagi, pulling him and shouting things (Name) couldn't even make out because it was layered over by another thing. She tried her best to get to him, hitting people in the backs with her pan but it did nothing. She sighed exasperatedly, looking around for something to help her.

"Hey fuckers!" Yagi yelled out while he was in a choke hold. "Get your dirty paws offa me!"

"Leave him alone!" (Name) yelled, moving around to look for an opening. "I need my guide back!"

Suddenly the ruffians had Yagi in a position where the red head from before had a good shot at a punch in the face. He reeled his fist back, moving it around when Yagi tried dodging the hit even though he hadn't swung.

(Name) climbed a stool to stand on the bar table, throwing her hair around a branch that was near the top of the bar. She pulled her hair taut and let go, the branch smacking on the top of the red head. Everyone was still as she started talking.

"Put him down!" She cried with a pleading expression. "I have no clue where I am! And I need him to take me to see the lanterns because I've been dreaming about them my whole life! Haven't any of you crazy people had a dream?!"

Everyone turned to the desperate girl, faces blank. The red head slowly turned away from Yagi and started walking to the girl. A man with multiple arms hung the spiky blond to a hook on the wall as he watched with a worried expression.

As the red head got closer, (Name) cowered back. He pulled out a big sword from his back and stopped in front of the girl.

"I... Had a dream, once," he confessed quietly. He threw his sword to a blond man in the corner who had a tuxedo on. He jolted awake and looked terrified.

"I know my teeth might scare you," he started with a grin at the girl. "But I'm a manly man!"

Everyone whooped at that. He poked at his hair but still had his friendly grin. "I'm Kirishima Eijirou, but you're can call me Eiji! This also isn't my real hair, so doing get worried! I dyed it red and it takes a long time to get it to stay up like this. I've never wanted to be scary, I just want to be manly! And my good 'ol friend Yagi here is manlier than me!"

A guy with blond hair and a black lightning bolt shoved next to Kirishima with a big smile. "I'm Kaminari Denki but you can call me anytime!" He said loudly. "I've wanted to find true love for the longest time, even though I look dumb and act like it. I'm a lover, not a fighter!"

Again, everyone whooped at this. More people were surrounding the confused girl and less were paying attention to Yagi. He growled at this and tried getting himself off of the hook he was set on. The same pink girl from before and guy with black hair walk up to Kirishima and Kaminari.

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