What exactly is this?

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What is this?

Well.... Thats a good question... And I don't think I even know the answer to it. 

Some would describe this as a book made by a bratty teenager who is trying to let out their anger on wattpad. Others would describe it as a collection of unpopular opinions presented in a very unprofessional way. I would describe it as a book of do's ad dont's.  Rights and wrongs. The okays and the not-so-okays.

In other words, it's just me being the whiny bitch I am and complaining about the things I don't like. Mainly about the different shows I watch. (most of this will be about anime so if ur a non-weeb plz leave... actually dont leave, I need the reads.) 

If you could leave a comment, maybe give me some good recommendations for shows to watch. I'm into action and stuff, so... 

ok, thanks, bye. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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