"Where are you going?" Jay asked.
"You're gonna leave us?" Morro followed.
"Yes, I will go to a place you cannot follow." Sensei looked down.
"If you're going for Lloyd, the city of Ouroboros is filled with hundreds of serpentine! You'll never do it alone!" Cole said.

"I am going to find someone who can be of aid. The serpentine have united and grown stronger, and we will need all the help we can get." Sensei parted his ways with the ninja, leaving with his staff and katana.

In a cave well below ground, the serpentine generals, Pythor and the serpentine tribes were all gathered.

"It says nothing about where the four Fangblades are hidden. Have our ancestors left us nothing? Where are they?" Skales questioned angerly at a mural with proficied images.

"This, here. This must be a clue." Pythor approached a circular stone. "When five fangs unite as one, the path toward the Devourer has begun." Pythor read.
"Yes, when the five tribes unite. We've done all this. It means nothing. If you don't find out soon, the others will begin to ask questions, and soon they will start to think you don't know what you are doing." Skales doubted his leader.

"I know what I'm doing, fool." Pythor retorted.
"I'm trying to unleash the Great Devourer. Legend spoke of a map showing exactly where the four Fangblades have been buried. There must be something around here. Keep looking!" He commanded.

In a nearby village, the ninua and Nya were hanging up posters that told people to report to the ninja if they find the fangblades.
"You really didn't know?" Cole asked Morro.
"No! I just thought that on that day he just.... Decided to!" Morro answered.
They now knew why this happened between Wu and Garmadon.

"Also, your problem that led you to unlock your true potential?" Jay asked.
"I had to, accept... Yeah, let's just say that. I had to let go of things." Morro said.

Zane sighed.
"This is silly." He said.
"You have any better ideas?" Cole asked.
"Hey! Maybe sensei is gonna ask the samurai for help!" Jay suggested.
"The samurai?!" Kai freaked out.
"I'm sure she's--" he looked at Morro and Nya again making the face that says: don't you dare.

"I mean he's busy looking for the fangblades as well." Kai finished.
"Smooth." Morro nudged Kai.
"Uh, is everything alright?" Cole asked the suspicious group.
"Yeah! Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Kai said.
"100%! We're not hiding anything!" Nya said. Morro just shook his head.

Zane approached at building when he stopped right Infront of it. He had this feeling. Looking up and to the right a bit, Zane dropped the flyers he was holding.

"Hey! Weirdo!" The owner of the shop said.
"You're making a mess of my store front!" He shook Zane a bit.
Zane ignored him.
"Yoo-hoo! You got a problem?" The shop owner kept on going.

Zane dropped the rest of his flyers and started to walk away.
"Maybe I should teach you a lesson on manners!" The shop owner shouted.
"I'm sorry sir! Sometimes our friend is in another world." Kai rushed up.
"He's littering all over the place!" The shop keeper said.
"We'll pick it up! So sorry!" Cole rushed up to him as well.

Jay and Morro came to the aid.
"Zane! What's the deal?" Jay asked.
Zane again ignored. Up in the sky, he saw a rave coloured falcon flying above his head.
"Is that the falcon you guys were talking about?" Morro got a look.
"Yeah! Oh my gosh! Every time we follow it, it leads us to good fortune!" Jay pointed. Zane, Cole, Jay and Morro went ahead and followed the bird.

"Head back to the bounty and wait till you hear from us." Kai told his sister.
"But where are you going?" Nya asked.
"We're gonna follow the bird! Who knows! It could lead us to the first fang blade!" Kai ran off.

The ninja ran through the desert following the falcon. They reached a snowy plain.
"I guess good fortune is really far away!" Kai took a quick stop and kept going.

They reached a mountain and stated to climb while Morro flew up with bishop glider.
"Keep going I'll... I'll catch up!" Jay said taking a break on a cliff.

The remaining four reached a ravine with a tree trunk as a bridge. Zane, Kai and Morro crossed it, while Cole stuck around on the other side.
"I'm good! Just... Just taking a breather! Uh, I'll meet up with you shortly!" Cole called out. Morro was about to fly over and check on him before Cole told him to keep going again. Morro left a trail with his glider for him to follow.

"Good thing we are in peak physical condition!" Kai panted. Morro landed on the ground, scoffed at Kai then continued to follow Zane and the falcon on his glider.
"Cheater!" Kai called it then kept running.

This time, the falcon led the remaining ninja to a birch forest covered in snow. The three stopped just at the edge.
"Gosh that bird just keeps going!" Kai took deep breaths.
"You know what? Imma go back and check on Cole and Jay. I'm a bit worried." Morro flew back the way they came.
"Hey, what do you make of this?" Kai pointed at a sign that said:
Beware of tree horns.

"I am not familiar with a tree horn." Zane said.
"It's probably just some wild squirrels, heh." Kai replied. The falcon squeaked again, signaling that they need to keep going.
"Well don't lose him! I'll wait for Morro to come back with the others!" Kai said. Zane nodded than ran off to follow.

"Where are we going, my mysterious friend?" Zane asked.
The Falcon falls from the sky and twitches, with sparks coming out of it.
"You're a... a robot?" Zane ran up to inspect it. He puts the Falcon next to a tree and sees an iron giant looking guardian.
"Intruder! Intruder! Prepare to be terminated!" Zane herd the robot say.

The robot shot at Zane, bit he dodged it with his elemental bike. Zane threw one of his shuriken into the cannon of the robot and the other into the shoulder. He found a panel on the back and He disabled the Juggernaut and sees the same symbol on the Falcon.
"The same symbol. Where have you brought me, my Falcon friend?" Zane picked up the falcon and spotted the same symbol on a tree. He opened it to reveal a door leading down into the tree. Hesitantly, Zane entered. Not knowing what he would find.

DONT WORRY! I'm working on the next part right now! So please be patient! Also, cliffhanger lol.
Thanks for reading, hope you liked it,

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