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Well, because Sydney Anderson was quite a popular person, being well-known for her welcoming attitude and the constant smile on her face, alongside her funny pranks and comebacks towards the teachers and also how much she irritated the head teacher. However, there was also something else that was extremely known throughout the school and that was her presumed relationship with her childhood best friend/one third of the prankster trio, Jerome Clarke. Everyone was able to see that there was some sort of connection between the two blondes and, honestly, many assumed that they were dating regardless of how many times the prankster pair had denied it. If something were to occur romantically between Damian Cyrus and Sydney Anderson, it'd be pretty big news.

Honestly, Amber Millington and Nina Martin definitely panicked when they initially saw their friend and roommate near the rebellious flirt and noticed the many eyes that were upon them. Though, their panic subsided pretty quickly when they took a closer inspection and recognised the rather irritated look that was on the female prankster's face as she never even turned to face the rebel, instead just being focused on her camera.

"Oh, come on! I'd be a great model!" Damian Cyrus attempted to convince the female prankster for what appeared to be the hundredth time - honestly, his words were just like white noise in her ears at that point, because she had been listening to him whine incessantly and rather excessively for the past few minutes and had simply blocked him out - though, there was a word that he spoke that caught her attention as he continued, "It'd be fun - I could be like your muse!"

That was the first time that the female prankster tore her gaze away from the camera and faced the boy, the word 'muse' having caught her attention as she recalled how her childhood best friend had labelled her as his muse, as somebody who gave him inspiration - yeah, Damian Cyrus was not the muse of Sydney Anderson; a simple glance at the photos of her camera roll was enough to inform anybody of that fact, "You are not my muse."

"Then, you could be my muse - let me take some photos of you!" Damian suggested, reaching out to take the camera from the female prankster - a bad move.

Instantly, the photographer moved the camera away from the rebellious boy and brought it closer towards her, protecting it from the grasps of the flirtatious man's hands as she shot him a sharp glare and warned him, "Ah, ah, ah - nobody touches the camera."

"Jerome does."

"Jerome's different."


Sydney froze.

"Sydney, emergency, now." The saviour for the female prankster came in the form of Amber Millington, who came hurriedly rushing in between the two that had extreme tension (that most certainly wasn't romantic or sexual) surrounding them and grabbed the arm of the photographer, hastily and somewhat harshly dragging her away from the rebellious boy who kept his eyes on her with curious and intrigued eyes.

"Hey! Be careful, I could have dropped my camera!" Sydney snapped once the fashionista had let go of her arm, having dragged her to a secluded part of the grounds where the American member of them had been waiting for them to arrive.

"This is more important than your camera." The fashionista argued stubbornly, although the female prankster was extremely doubtful about that argument, considering that there was absolutely nothing that was more important than her precious camera.

"My camera is my baby." Sydney protested, being completely certain that there was nothing that was more important than the object was that safely in her hands.

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