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(Pov Legoshi)

Hello, my name is Legoshi and I am a 17 year old gray wolf, nothing special and I am studying at "Cherryton" preparatory school, I am in the 2nd year of school and by the way it is a boarding school in which we have to stay almost all day and every day except weekends and holidays, and we students live in buildings of different categories of species an example is me, who is in the canine building in room 701 in which I am with my friends and best friend Jack.

I am not really known in the boarding school in fact I have a low profile, to the point that it seems that I do not exist, although in the theater club to which I belong I am somewhat known but for being very alienated from others and they even think that I am very rare because of my lonely attitude and he became very distracted in the classes so I usually ask Jack for help.

And it doesn't bother me being who I am as I have friends even if they are not many, the fact that they are sincere is nice to me, also the fact that they enjoyed my privacy.


(Pov Juno)

Hello first of all, my name is Juno, and I am a gray wolf and I am 16 years old and studied at "Cherryton" high school / boarding school and I am in my first year, I am very excited to create friendships and possible loves

I am not very remarkable at first sight and that causes me many conflicts, rejections, and even offenses in my day to day since I am a carnivore, although my species and the others of this distinction no longer do so, for that aspect a great discrimination against us, and that is why it is one of the reasons why I have proposed to become the next and great Beastar, so that this discrimination and repression towards us no longer exists.

And for that reason I try to be very sociable and show that we are not different from others, he tried to please people and that they have a good perception of us carnivores, and this characteristic of mine has made me stand out among my colleagues in the theater club I recently joined

Beastars - a posibility [Legoshi x Juno] (Translate to english)Where stories live. Discover now