Ant's Day Out

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The sun welcoming me
into its soft, warm arms,
as I make my way-
matching pace with my swarm

The dew on the leaves,
glistening and serene
The blades of grass,
all hale and green

As the wind blows,
we slow our pace
then steadily climb
the moss stone, our base

Spotting human-gous giants,
the general calls,
'Focus on stealth
Careful where you crawl'

Sneaking into boxes-
a sandwich here,
Rejoicing the leftovers-
a bit jelly there

As my comrades march
with me,
we gather quickly
the fallen cheese and peas

Glad for ourselves,
but sorry for the humans-
Ungrateful they are,
though plenty in benisons

Throwing away food
No human for another
Exploiting the Earth-
our mother

I hope they look around
and reflect-
As we toil and save
And they learn
from what they introspect


12 June 2020

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