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All I could hear were screams and people being shot at as I was passing out. The last face on my mind was America's.


When I awoke in my bedroom, I could feel everything. Pain, sadness, terror, and anger. I was in pain from the bullet wound. I was sad because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get to see America again. I was in terror because who knows how many people were killed and how many rebels are still alive. I was angry with myself for almost ruining my life and America's life. I was angry because I can never be safe from those bastards.


Is she even alive? Is she with that guard? I started hyperventilating. I didn't want to live if she wasn't alive.

"Sir! Please calm down! Breathe in and out. You are okay, you are alive! Breathe!"
How the hell am I supposed to breathe if the love of my life is dead?

I started slowing down my breathing and slowly fell back asleep.


"-hear that his parents are dead! He needs to know that he's king!"
"We got him back for a moment and then he fell asleep! I don't think that he's mentally able to handle that at the moment!"
"Like hell he is! You go and wake him up right now. A king's job never ends!"
I was listening to my advisors argue over me. Am I really king? Are both my parents dead? Is America dead? Oh no oh no oh no!

Just then the door opened and the advisors stepped inside. Kingsley looked rather pissed while Jacobsen looked solemn.

"Your majesty" Jacobsen started, "I am so sorry to inform you that your parents have passed. You are king now."
My heart dropped. My mother was dead.
I looked at Kingsley and he had a stack of papers in his hand.

"These are for you to get done sir. I'm sorry for your loss." Ouch. I got shot and my parents are dead and now I have reports to sign and look over.


I was mostly through my first stack of reports when something caught my eye at my doorway. I looked up to see the most beautiful redhead on the planet. She had scratches on her and her dress was ripped but I couldn't care less. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.

She stepped into my room and I looked up at her and dismissed my maids and butlers.

America continued towards my bed and sat down.

I am so so sorry that it has taken forever to update! There has been death and I've moved and I've had nationals and dance competitions and violin concerts and now I have been exposed to corona virus so I'm quarantined so I have time to write! I hope you guys don't hate me!!

<3 avery

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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