part 10: egg thief

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Before six went to bed she took some
Bucket and filled them while it was
Still raining then she took a big refreshong gulp then she went to bed

*the next day*

Six woke up a little earlier at 8.01 am
She thought it was a good time to take
Risks so she went into the woods without the coephiseis army and went
Into the wood first she went west and
Then she started to sneak around a bit
She peaked out of some bushes and saw lots of nest with lots of eggs there
Were a few utahraptors thats were all
The utahraptors six said to herself she
Wanted to steal one just to know what its like to raise one so she raised the bush she was hiding in and started walking over to one of the nest and she saw a few normal sized one and
One big one she thought it would be more reasonable to take the big one
So she went back to were she was hiding and ran out of the bush and ran back home mono thought it was
Epic mono went and got some extra
Fur and made a nest out of it he put
The egg in the nest then he put a lantern beside it so it would be warm...

Stay tuned for the part

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