part 8: the hidden bunker

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After a long day of exploring and runing six was very tired those nice
Warm and cozy sweater and pants
Made out of utahraptor fur all she
Needed a mattress and she would sleep like a baby mono had a very large mattress with a big warm blanket there was more than enough
Room for mono six and the other children as soon as six got on it she
Fell into a deep sleep

*the next day*

Six woke up at 11:30
All the other children were already
Up she got up and went outside she
Saw the nice warm morning sun the
Coephiseis army were out hunting food for there babies she was gonna
Were her raincoat today cuz it was
Warm and her nice silky raincoat would help here stay cool in the hot
Sun but she couldn't go explore
Without the coephiseis  army without risking her life to the dangerous  dinosaurs out there...


After the last group of coephiseis came back six and mono and the other children wanted to explore so
They got a bunch of trash from the city so they could mark were they were at the start of the forest so they
Went they put the trash at the first
Step of the forest then they took
One more step before going east of the each of the children had handbags
So they could carry anything they find
Six noticed that there are lots of stegosaurus down east there must be
A nesting ground nerby after a only a few minutes of walking they found
A door they opened  it they found a staircase leading down to a hidden bunker full of caned food and books
Mono thought the books might be useful they as much canned food and books as they could

*20 minutes later*

When They got home six was a little
Tired so she took a nap

1 1/2 hour later...


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