The Don't Make Sense

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Poom, I hope you know that I love you.


The trouble with hearts is that they make no sense. They just feel.

I suck at interviews. I suck at small talk. I suck at entertaining and managing people and crowds. I suck at singing. I definitely suck at dancing. I'm pretty average at acting and studying. And I'm at least half-decent at football and mobile-gaming.

But P'Mew. He's on another level. The ease with which he handled interviews, always knowing just what to say, how easy it was for him to make friends with people, and how he always seemed comfortable interacting and managing the crowd, all of it amazed me. He has a really soothing singing voice even if he was just humming a random tune. He plays both the piano and guitar, and even composes original songs. He also has a keen sense of rhythm, so dancing looked like it came naturally to him. That's not even considering how highly-educated he is.

"PHI, I TOLD YOU TO STAY BACK!" I bellowed on the mic. "Hide behind me, Phi!"

We just finished reading an intense chapter of TharnType the novel tonight, and to shake off the intense emotions that Tharn and Type brought us, we decided to play an online mobile game together. This was where I discovered P'Mew's only flaw. He sucked at gaming.

"Phi, where are you?!" I shouted into the mic again.

"I'm on your right side, Nong, calm down. Why are you so revved up?" Mew replied chuckling on the other line.

P'Mew's voice surprisingly sounded stable despite the intense game we were playing.

"Dammit! Who killed you, Phi?!" I shouted again, and maneuvered my in-game character to attack the enemy nearest to P'Mew's in-game character.

A few minutes later, our game ended and we won by a very close margin. We logged off the mobile game and I immediately sent a LINE message to P'Mew as soon as the game was over.

Phi, r u mad?

Mad? What for?

I shouted at you in-game. Sorry.

I hesitated to send a follow-up message, but then what the hell, right? I threw caution to the wind and sent another message.

I don't like shouting at you, Phi, but next time, play better.

I added a winking emoji at the end of my follow-up message to let him know I was teasing him and just kidding around.

That's how you're apologizing? REALLY?!

He added both an angry emoji and crying-laughing emoji, and I laughed imagining P'Mew's face as he read my message.

Just saying. :)

I replied again, amping up my teasing with an innocent smiley emoji.

Yai Nong, Yai Nong, Yai Nong. Wait 'til I get my hands on you.

Yai Nong? Did P'Mew just... Call me a naughty little girl?


On our next workshop schedule, as soon as P'Mew saw me arrive, he met me with a huge grin on his face, enveloped me in a welcoming hug, and playfully squeezed my tummy. Instantly, my morning sleep-deprived resting bitch-face lit up, and I grinned.

I realized I like teasing P'Mew to the point that the only thing he could do to get back at me was to playfully squish me.

"Yai Nong, Yai Nong, Yai Nong," P'Mew chanted as he smothered me with a hug and squished my tummy in pure glee.

[FANFIC] The Trouble with HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now