The Chronics of a Perfect Creature

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  • Dedicated to To everybody who reads just to get away from the boredom of reality <3

           Hello, this is my first work so I'm really interested in any suggestions u may have regarding the story line , characters, etc. >.< I hope u like it and remember ... VOTE , COMMENT and enjoy =)                                     

                                                                         THE BEGGINIG

I was furious . He wanted to protect me ?! From who? From what ?!

We were in my grandfathers car , storming through the fog and the only thing he could think about was how to get me as fast as possible to Halifax’s Private School’s gates?! Really …  Racing on the now empty highway , all the tension that had been built throughout the day practically exploded as my grandfather turned the now country road into a race track. The road stretched out in what seemed like infinity and the only things that gave any kind of light were the cars headlights . Not even one star on the black sky , not even the moon . This atmosphere was creepy even for me . All I could see in the drivers place were my grandfathers emerald eyes which sparkled vigilantly in search of any danger .

I knew him well enough after all these years to know that he had a solid reason for his every action so , this trip wasn’t as unexpected as I thought , but the fact that he was keeping me so clueless wasn’t helping at all .

All the information I got was …

“ You are going to stay at Halifax  until I take care of some unsolved things, and NO. You couldn’t have stayed at your aunt’s place . It’s not save enough for you there . Halifax has all the necessary means , and staff, to protect you . God knows it takes an army to take care of you … “

I wasn’t quite pleased with his last remark , but I let it slip .I wasn’t going to start a fight with him , at least not now when I needed all the information I could get my hands on.  

“ And where is this Private School ?... “

                I wasn’t going to let him off the hook so easily. He was going to give me details about were he was practically abandoning me this time . Every time he had to “take care of things” ,  he’d leave me with some of his friends or at a coven , without any knowledge of who were the “people” , where were we or at least in what state we were… Yeah , pretty childhood , right ?

“ No way Jules! You aren’t going to run away again ! Do you understand me ?! You are too precious for the world , and especially for me . Don’t you understand that every freaking rogue out there wants you ?! Every coven will pay a fortune to get their hands on you, and god forbids anyone unleashes your real power ! “

“ Whoa.. ok, relax . I wasn’t going to run away this time .”

“ I hope not .. “

                Mousy blousy , he knew me so well. When he puts me under house arrest ,and that is putting it nicely , all of the males can’t stop starring at me. And of course run away . What is he expecting ?! I’m not a piece of meat . I should explain ,right ?

Halifax was one of the strongest corporations out there . A branch created by the most influential supernatural families and covenants in the world . Only for the elites . But , lately , it also contained the training grounds of  the Guardians , the creatures in charge of protecting the Noble families . Halifax was widely known for it’s spectacular diversity. Werewolves and vampires were commune , goblins and even fairies were usually spotted in the crowed but , the fact that the school had a few , very rare beings , made it famous . 4 demons and 4 angels dedicated their services for the next four centuries to the school and , in return , they’ll have full access at the History of Our World , all the deals we made with humanity and all the dates about the wars we started , ended or took part in .  I was only seen as important because I was a female . We were so rare that I was the first born in the last millennium . It was said that, when we reach maturity we’ll have the power to battle angels and demons. And , in the extreme possibility that a female gave birth to another female , well … we never knew . That legend was lost a long time ago .

Well, who knows what will happen even until tomorrow , so I take each day at a time . I never make plans and a strict personal rule of mine , I forbiddined myself to fall in love . It happened once and it ended tragically for both of us .

 Let's just say that I wasn't going to annoy him because Halifax did seem like  better choice that Shepard's Grounds for example , where I stayed 2 years ago . The good thing ... I learned to ride a horse , the bad thing... now I know to never help up  a goblin who just drank 12 gallons of root beer. One word ... Disgusting !  I never liked politics and seeing my grandfather pulling his own strings and playing the Guardinans as he pleased made me realise that I wanted that . I sure as hell won't end up as some Nobel's trophy wife . I was born to fight, that's what I thought , that's what anyone who got to know me ended up believing ...

The silence surrounded the country road and it was quite nice . Except that time with the goblins , I never stayed at the country side and the serenity and solitude of the landscape made it , should I say , barebal . I hated being alone , but I hated it more when I was surrounded by people and creatures who pretended to be my friends , companions ... it wasn't right .The car ran smoothly on the now bumpy road and I noticed a little metal plate with the word Halifax engraved on it . So it was coming ... another half a year with who knows what strange characters , being unable to train or fight because they thought I was to fragile or being stuck in the politics chambers discussing things like school uniforms ... Peachy , right ? ...

Ever since I was little , my grandfather intriduced me to most of "big players" of our world , but of course in total secrecy . I met with the Lord of the Elfs , Salin , an honor so rare wich I trully enjoyed. The "Queen of the Damned " , who so many feared ... She was , as I thought then ... exquisite. She politly introduced herself as Elizabeth and shook my hand . I trully enjoied her company  . She was beautifull and strong, a force to be reckoned with . I remember thinking I wanted to be like her . And so many others , from our king , to so many spirits of nature to necromancers . It was quite ironic that I knew all of them , they acknowledging me for me, for my strenght and wits , and not for my status , and that I was still thought of as a prize or trophy whenever I met with any supernatural .

Being cauth up in my flashbacks I almost didn't notice when we turned on a road that ran deep inside the forest ... I loved nature . I started starring at the pines as it all became a blurr of green black and grey .The cold , wintry air sobberred me up and I decided that i really wanted to run in these woods . Run as in chase a scent in my wolf form and relish in the overwhalming senses that came with The Change . If you hadn't figured it out by now , I'm a werewolf . But ,I'm a little creepy... I shifted for the first time when I was 7 years old , that being like 10 years to early . I even managed to scare my grandfather for the first time I guess . And since then, my powers keep growing and I managed to defeat my grandfater's students when I was only 14 . Yey for me ...

My grandfather, Julius , is the ex-general of the Guardians and those who wished to become Guardians begged him to train them until the exam of the "Schools" and "Facilities " that required them .  All kinds of creatures wanted that , from sucubuses to fairies and even , occaionally a hibrid or two . He was a little pissed but mostly proud of me and I've been training with him ever since . I loved feeling the power course throught my veins and the fear in my enemies eyes . From that time on, I made it my mantra to acknowledge and respect only the strong and taleted creatures and people . I can't stand vain, lazy and dishonest people .

And there they were , the gates to my own , little piece of prison, ... or so I thought ...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2013 ⏰

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