Chapter 8: The Saga continues

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After you and Harrison got married you moved to a small house just outside of Chicago. You both worked in the film industrie. Harrison as an actor you as a director. Over the past year you have been working on a project with your good friend George Lucas. Star Wars. You were now working on the casting. It was sunday morning that it all started. The thing changed not only your but also Harrison's life for good. You were having breakfast when Harrison came back inside with the mail in his bath robe. 'Anything interesting?' You ask him looking up from your cereal. 'A post card from your parents in Spane.' He hands it to you and gives you a kiss on your head. 'And letter from George. I think it's for you too.' He gives it to you and filles his coffee mug. You read the envelope. 'No its adressed to you.' You say. 'To me?' Your husband asks surprised. He opens it and reads it. His eyes light up. 'What is it? Read it!' You say. 'Dear Harrison Ford.' Harrison reads out loud. 'You helped me with me with the castings and you amazed me. I would like you to play Han Solo one of the main characters. The other two will be Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher who you both met before. Please write or call me and let me know your respons.' 'Omg Harrison that's amazing!' You say exciter and hug him. 'Di you know?' Harrison asks still surprised. 'No I didn't, George must have thougt I would tell you.' He laughs. 'Yeah you propably would.' You give him a faked insulted face. 'Sorry sweetheart.' You laugh. You sit on his lap and kiss his nose. 'So are you gonna do it?' 'Yeah, why not? Its my first big role.' Harrison anwsers. 'You will be working under my vision.' You say teasingly. 'I wouldn't dare to make a mistake.' Harrison smirks and kisses you.

The first day on set:
You and George are standing infront of the crew. Harrison, Mark and Carrie standing in the front row. You were very happy with the cast and crew. Carrie, Mark and Harrison seemed perfect for their rolles. And not the forget Mayhew who was taller than everyone else. 'Goodmorning everyone.' George says. You make eyecontact with Harrison and he yawns. You smile. He's not entirely awake yet. It's only 7 am and you had to pull eachother out of bed at 6 am. And lets just say the nigh before had been very intimate for the two of you so you didn't get much sleep. George continues: 'Today I want to you to put on your costumes and then we'll see what we can do. So come on to your dressing rooms!' You follow Harrison but George holds you back. 'What?' You ask. 'I need you to go and help Carrie. She's only 19 and since you are one of the very few women on set I need you to make her feel comfortable.' You look around and you see Carrie talking to Mark and laughing. Doesn't look like she needs any help to you but fine. 'Sure.' You say. You walk to her. 'Hi Carrie. I'm Y/N Y/L/N the other director.' 'Hi.' She says. 'I'm Carrie Fisher but you knew that.' She laughs. You smile. 'Come, lets get you into costume.' Carrie follows you to the dressing rooms.

'Come out and show me!' You say. Carrie comes out she's wearing a white dress and buns one on each side of her head. 'You look nice.' You say and smile. 'Let's go to George and show him.' You bring Carrie to George. He takes one look at her and says: 'You can't wear a bra underneath that.' 'Why?' Carrie asks. 'Because there's no underwear in space.' 'Omg George that in ridiculous.' You say. 'Not a single person will notice. Its not like she's gonna walk around in her underwear.' When you think about that later that was a lie she had to wear a bikini but you didn't know it then. 'No.' George says. 'She can't wear one.' 'Fine.' Carrie sighs. 'I will change.' You chuckle at the young woman. She just sighed in George's face. 'Hey gorgeous.' A deep voice says form behind. You turn around. 'Harrison!' You say and take a look at his outfit. He's wearing a creme shirt with a deep neck so you can see his chest hair and a black jacket without arms. The pants he's wearing are quit tight. He looks good. 'Wow, you look amazing.' You say and kiss him. George coughs. You can see he's a little annoyed. 'What? You casted my husband.' You say and laugh. A slight smile appears on George's face. 'So lets see what the rest is wearing.' He says and walks away. Harrison and you laugh and he puts an arm around you.

The rest of the day goes quit smooth. You filmed the scène that Luke and Ben are in the Cantina and meet Han and Chewie and one in the Falcon. 'Okay, good work everybody!' George says. 'I'll see the most of you tomorrow.' The crew leaves including you and Harrison. 'Hey guys.' Mark says. 'Maybe we could all get diner together. Are you guys in?' Harrison looks at you. 'What? Don't look at me.' You laugh. Harrison laughs too. 'Yeah we're in.' He says. 'Great!' Mark says. 'It will be the four of us then. Carrie, you guys and me.'

In the cold London evening the four of you walke through the streets. You love that George decided to film in your hometown. You know the city like the back of your hand. You took Harrison and what seems like your new friends to one of your favourite pubs. 'Here we are.' You open the door and you step inside a cozy pub,leaving the cold outside. 'Nice place.' Harrison says. 'Did you come here a lot when you lived here?' 'Yeah I did.' You say. 'You lived in London?' Mark asks. 'Yep, born and raised.' 'That's the accent.' Carrison says and laughs. You laugh too. 'What is it with you Americans and British people their accent. You all laugh. The four of you sit down in a snug (two benches facing eachother with a table in between). You and Carrie order a pie, Harrison and Mark steak. 'Hmmm.' You say stuffing a piece in your mouth. 'It's way too long ago that I ate this.' You laugh. The four of you spend the rest of the night eating, laughing and getting to know eachother. You all get a little drunk. 'Umm I think we should take a cab home.' You say. 'I don't think we'll be able to walk all the way like this.' Mark laughs. 'Sounds like a plan.'

Harrison calls a cab and the four of you squeeze in. You didn't feel like paying for two and you all stay in the same hotel so you didn't have to go separate. Harrison and you say goodby to Mark and Carrie and go to your room. 'So, what did you think?' You ask. 'I don't know yet it seems a little strange all that space stuff.' Harrison anwsers. You laugh. 'Yeah that's true.' 'But it was fun and the cast is nice.' He says. 'You're really hot when you're bossing people around.' Your husband smirks. 'Why thank you.' You say flirty. You kiss passionate. 'Okay hotshot.' You say. 'I'm gonna take a shower.' 'Mind if I join?' Harrison playfully raises an eyebrow and starts to unbutton his shirt. 'I'd be dissapointed if you didn't.' You smirk.

Hii, I hope you liked this chapter. I really enjoyed writing it! The next chapter will propably be a time skip to the premier. Please vote and comment🥺💞

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