[tWeNtY sEvEn] - Birthday

Start from the beginning

Thy Father, Praise the Lord: Hey Hoshiko! Happy birthday. I know you don't like doing things on this occasion but at least meet up with a friend. You're in Japan! Have some fun for me! By the way, Gareth and I both split some money into a small present for you this year. Have a great day! Love you :)

"... shit," I muttered, stuffing my face into my pillow. "After all that, how can I not do something today?"

So, reluctantly, I got dressed, into some cargo trousers and an Attack on Titan shirt. Leaving the apartment, I first decided to see Gareth, and dropped into his flat.

"Good morrow, scoundrel," I greeted him, walking into his kitchen.

"Happy birthday," Gareth responded, handing me an average sized package. "This is the present your dad and I paid for."

"You didn't have to," I muttered, carefully opening it up. Gareth just shrugged in return, going back to chopping up some spring onions.

What I found inside was a pleasant surprise; it was the latest edition of the Fullmetal Alchemist data book. It looked kind of expensive, but I supposed it must've been worth it, and since they'd split the cost, it wouldn't have taken a heavy toll on their wallets.

"Thanks," I gave him a grin. "How'd you know I like Fullmetal Alchemist?"

"Every time you go to the manga store, you always come back with one of the volumes. I figured we wouldn't give you any books in the series cuz we don't know which one you've got up to." Gareth answered.

"Smart," I mused, before shoving the book under my arm. "Well, I've got to go. Kaminari wants me at the mall in half an hour."

"Have fun," Gareth called out, as I left the apartment.

After dropping my new book back at my place, and grabbing some loose change, I skeeted off to the mall. Arriving there, I realised I had no idea where Kaminari would be, so I texted him, and he told me to meet him at the food court.

UhM I'm getting suspicious. What the heck is all this?

Getting there, and looking around, to my shock I caught sight of my classmates, all sitting on four close tables, chatting as they ate.

Kaminari what did you do?

"Aha!" I saw a flash of yellow hair, as Kaminari stood up from a seat, waving at me. "There she is! Haru-chan!"

For a second, I was completely still, before sidling over to him. "Kaminari," I spoke, my voice laced with slight annoyance, "what in the name of Miss Keisha's murderer is this?"

"Well," he stuttered, wiping his face from food.

"He wanted us to come here to celebrate your birthday!" Kirishima stepped in for his friend.

"Don't worry Haruka-chan!" Uraraka spoke up, from a nearby table, as more people began to notice my presence. "We're all paying for our own food, so it's only a big get together!"

I turned my attention back to Kaminari; "I thought that I made it clear I didn't want to waste anyone's time," I hissed.

"Nonsense, Haruka-kun!" Iida stood up from his table, chopping the air in his usual fashion. "We're all having fun, so we aren't wasting our time!"

By now, I'd also noticed, rather unusually, that Todoroki was also here, as well as Bakugo. It stunned me to know that everyone had actually came.

"Don't worry," Jiro added, "none of us got you anything. We know that would be an insult."

Thank my croissant.

"Well fuck," I huffed, feigning annoyance, "I can't get angry with y'all for being decent human beings, can I?"


To my surprise, it was probably the most pleasant birthday of my life. Since I'd never actually had a party before, I was given a mild taste of what it would be like. Not to mention everyone was really nice to turn up...

At the end of the day, I ended up thanking Kaminari for getting all of this together. Though, as I waved him goodbye, someone caught my attention.

"Haruka," I turned, to see Todoroki, who in turn held out a small box. "I know this might be insulting, but I got you something anyway. I felt that it would be rude to turn up without a gift."

Oh for fuck's sake, this wanker---

"Todoroki, you stupid git, did no one tell you how much I hate people buying crap for me?" I hissed, pressing a hand to my head.

"Yes but as I said, I thought it would be rude not to get you anything." He held out the box, urging me to take it, so I eyed him moodily, before snatching it off him with a grumble.

"I swear, if this is something expensive, I'm gonna blow a fuse..." I muttered, tearing off the wrapping paper in an aggravated fashion.

When I saw what he'd got me, I stopped short. It was a decent quality Shounen Jump manga I'd never seen before; the title read "Code Geass". I supposed it must've been an old title, hence the art, as well as the fact that I mostly read old Shounen as well, so I could recognize something that looked like a classic.

"How'd you know I like manga?" I asked curiously, my voice still retaining it's pissed off tone though.

"I overheard you talking about Naruto to Kaminari," Todoroki answered. "I thought that it would be best if I got you a manga from that time period."

I inspected the cover, and let out a defeated sigh, before speaking again. "... thank you. But please, don't get me anything again. Silly twat."

"If that's what you want," Todoroki replied.

"I appreciate you coming," I admitted gruffly. "Kaminari planned this, so I guess I didn't expect you to turn up."

"You're my classmate," was all he offered as a reply.

The heck? You wouldn't have caught him saying that in a life or death situation back when school started.

I pointed a wary finger at him, narrowing my eyes; "You've changed."

To my surprise, he raised his eyebrow slightly, and for a millisecond, I thought I saw the corner of his mouth quirk up. "So have you."

A/n: yee so happy birthday Haruka!

I'm still tryna figure out whether I want Haruka and Todoroki to be friends, but I was in the mood to let them take a step in that direction, so there ya go.

I'll also be going back and editing some chapters to make Haru-chan throw in some more British insults lmao. It's probably because I've dived into Hetalia (England is my fave, unironically. But also Hungary is just-- **chef's kiss**)

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