♤Please Forgive Me♤

Start from the beginning

The parents looked at each other and then looked at Haechan.
"Well we hope everything will be fine." said mr. Lee. "But now let's cut some cake, bud."
Haechan nodded.
As he was preparing to cut the cake his mom took some icing off the cake and put it on his nose.

They all enjoyed the cake. It was delicious. Haechan's mom was washing the dishes and his dad had to go to work.

"So, Mark Lee, huh?" asked his mom.
Haechan slightly blushed.
"Yeah." replied Haechan.
"He's a really nice guy. I'm happy you like him and not some weird drug dealer."
"He's just too cute not to like."
"I hope everything works out today."
"Same. I'm really nervous but at least I'll get everything off my chest."
"That's good."

A couple of hours passed and Haechan was just pacing around the whole house. Surprisingly, he didn't make a hole in the floor.

Haechan decided to finally check the time since it was getting dark.
It's 7:46 PM.
Haechan panicked thinking he'll be late. He almost walked out until he noticed he still had his pyjamas on. He can't show up like that.

He dressed up in a black, oversized hoodie and some black shorts. He put his hood up and walked put of his room.
He then put on his shoes, which are, of course, the Gucci slides Johnny got for him last year. He's been wearing those religiously.

He shouted that he's going out and then bolted off to the park.
He was running and running. He was out of breath but he didn't wanna be late, especially since he planned it.

However, the universe seems to be really nice today and it seems like he's 5 minutes early. But no sign of a Mark Lee.

He was leaning against the fence on the sides of the bridge until someone taps his shoulder. It startled him so he jumped back and was about to throw hands until he realised that the person who tapped his shoulder is no other than Mark Lee.

"Uhm, hi." said Mark.
And the awkward silence shall commence. They were both looking everywhere but the person in front of them.
"Okay, well, I wanna apologise for being a huge dick to you. I shouldn't have done what I did yesterday and I deeply regret it." said Haechan looking Mark dead in the eye.

Haechan took a deep breath.
"The truth is, I didn't wanna push you off, at all. I have wanted that moment to happen for a whole year. I don't know why I had that reaction. I shouldn't have had that reaction. I just confused both of us even more but I didn't mean to. Please forgive me."

Haechan reached out for Mark's hands and grabbed them.

"Truth is, I really like you. Mark Lee, I wanna spend my life with you."

Before Mark could respond Haechan pressed his lips onto Mark's. The kiss was just a chaste peck on the lips, but it had a lot of emotions, shared by both males.
After Haechan pulled away Mark also pecked his lips.

"Uhh... I can, uhm, walk you home since that's a boyfriend thing, right?" said Mark.
Haechan giggled.

They were holding their hands and walking. Their fingers intertwined and the now-official couple was as happy as they could be.

Mark hugged Haechan goodbye and only left when he saw the younger got in the house safely.

Haechan started jumping around as soon as he entered his rooms. After this much sadness he finally got his deserved happiness.

After many minutes of screaming in his pillow he decided to get changed. However, as soon as he got up he got a text.

good night!
sleep well!

good night!
thank you and you too!

Mark🐔 is typing...

Seen 9:31 PM

Successfully changed contact name to Mark💕🐔.


Sucessfully changed contact name to Haechan💕🌻.

"It seems like there's no other way to cope with you, Mark. Give me your phone." said his mom.
Mark was typing a message for Donghyuck - his boyfriend. However, he never got to finish the message.
"Anyways what did you do out so late? And grounded?"

It felt like time stopped. He has to come clean now, even though he never planned to.

Mark broke into tears and loud sobbing. His mom was just sitting there, confused.

"What's happening?" asked his mom.
"I like boys, that's what's happening." said Mark between sobs.
Mrs Lee's heart shattered. She immediately dropped down by her son and hugged him. They sat like that for a while until she broke the hug to dry Mark's tears off.

Mark was confused. Why wasn't he kicked out yet?

"Mark, I'm so sorry for making you breakdown and cry over something as small as this. I feel horrible and I will never forgive myself for making you this stressed about something that will never change the fact that I love you."
Mark was still sniffing from his previous breakdown but he was tearing up happy tears now. They never came out though.

"And that's connceted to today because I went out to meet up with Donghyuck, the annoying guy that's a bit shorter than me that slept over once, and he confessed to liking him and I liked him back so now we're together." said Mark.
"Oh my God, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! Donghyuck seems like a good guy so I hope it'll work out just fine."
"Thank you, mom."
"No problem, Mark. Good night now. Sleep well."
"Good night!"

So, now we're boyfriends, huh?

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