~New Friends~

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(Warning, homophobic slurs, cigarettes, cussing, bullying, harrassment)

     A familiar red truck pulled up to Sally Fishers job. "Oh god, here we go again." Sal sighed and looked down. A blonde headed boy stepped out of the truck. "Oh look, its Sally Face! The world's most gayest fag!" Sal chuckled and looked at the male standing in front of him. "Why Travis? Why today?" Travis smirked. "Because I wanted to." Sally started walking towards his car. "Go away, I don't wanna deal with your bullshit right now. Today is not the day." Travis stepped in front of the bluenette. "No. I'm not gonna go away." The bully pushed Sally up against the wall with his hand around his throat. "N-no! Stop! P-p-please!" Travis smiled like a psychopath. "Hey! Let him go!" A tall brunette walked up the the two. The taller male pushed Travis off of Sal. "Why the hell would you do something like that?" He picked Travis up and started yelling at him. Travis ran away, scared of the tall brunette. After the brunette was finished yelling at Travis, he walked up to Sal. "Hey, are you ok? You must be Sal. I've heard a lot about you." Sally froze. That must be Larry. The shorter male could feel his ears and cheeks heat up. "O-oh. You must be Larry!" Sal held out his hand and Larry shook it.

     "No! How can you win 6 times in a row!" Sal chuckled as he yelled. "I don't know!" Larry hollered back. Both boys silently laughed as they fell to the floor. Turns out Larry lives in the same apartment complex as Sal. Larry had invited the small bluenette over so they could get to know each other. It ha only been a few hours and they were already becoming best friends. The two males continued laughing until Sals phone rang. He picked up the phone. "Hello?...No, I'm not home right now....YOU FOUND HIM! OH MY GAWD! I WILL BE UP IN A SEC!" Sally slammed his phone shut and hopped up. "He found him! He found him!" He jumped up and down. "What are you talking about?" Larry asked with a confused and concerned expression. "Todd found my kitttttty caaaaat." Sally lifted up his left foot and smiled. "God, hes amazing. Let's goooo!" The tiny boy grabbed Larry's arm and tried to pull him up. He failed and Larry stood up. "If you wanna go, then let's go." He put his hands in his jean pockets and followed Sal out the door. The blue haired teenager ran up the stairs, not bothering to take the elevator. Larry J. Johnson was behind him the whole time. Sal ran into Todd's apartment, "Hi Mrs. Morrison! Hi Mr. Morrison!" Todd's parents waved. "Heeeey salllllyyyy." He ran into Todd's room. "Gizmo!" Sally plopped on his knees as his cat ran towards him. "Oh baby, I miss you so much. Dont ever run away agin!" Sal kept giving Gizmo kisses as Todd and Larry talked. Todd explained how Gizmo was Sals cat and how he had ran away. They joked around until Sal was finished hugging and kissing his cat. "Larry! Meet Gizmo!" He held up the cat to Larry as he loved on Gizmo. "Oh...sorry Todd for not telling you about Larry coming with me. I should've told you." Todd chuckled. "Its fine Sally Face. You were in a rush to get to your beloved cat. I understand, no need to be sorry." Todd pushed up his glasses and smiled. Larry yawned. "I should be heading back, I've got to look after my mom." Larry said his goodbyes and left. "Sally Face, I gotta ask you a question." Todd scooted closer to Sal. "Yeah, what is it?" "Do you have a crush on the Larry guy?" Sally's cheeks heated up again. "U-um...n-n-no!" Sal tried to hid the fact that he was blushing. "You do!" Todd had the biggest smile on his face. "I dont!" Sal kept denying it. "Nevermind that, you need to get home. You need to get your rest, tomorrow you have college classes. Dont forget that!" Sally smiled. "Alright, but we're gonna finish that conversation later!" And with that, Sally Face walked out of the weed scented apartment.

   Sal had stepped out on his balcony and smoked a cigarette. He thought about his "crush" on Larry. Was it even a crush? He barely even knew the man. He probably just got the "oh it's a new person, let's fall for him" feeling. Maybe next time he sees him, it wont be the same.

(766 words bro...my fingers hurt from typing)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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