Initially, I didn't think I could do it. But how could I not fall for Beth? She's the most charming and beautiful person I know. I took a deep breath, trying to get into character because that's what all of this was - just a role I was playing. I was supposed to play the part of smitten girlfriend to Beth James now I was supposed to pretend that I didn't want to be with her anymore.

But this was how it was meant to end. Beth and I were supposed to go our separate ways. What wasn't supposed to happen, was getting attached and falling for her. Everything started to get complicated once feelings started getting involved.

While I was deep in thought, I saw the floor numbers climb above the elevator doors. She was here and I was going to see her in about a minute.

I changed the expression on my face from anxious to stoic, channeling the actress that I was as the elevator doors open.

Beth stepped off the elevator tentatively holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers in one hand while holding a box of pizza in the other. I tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach that always appeared whenever she was near me.

"Hi baby," she bit her lip nervously. "I-I got these for you," she handed me the flowers but I crossed my arms across my chest and looked away instead of taking her peace offering. Beth pursed her lips and put the bouquet on the coffee table in front of me.

"I thought maybe we could have one last dinner together until I move out completely," she opened the box with pineapple pizza and I almost smiled, knowing that she hated pineapple pizza but was willing to stomach it for me.

She sat down on the couch beside me, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said," she said quietly. "It was so out of line when I said that and I don't think you're stuck up or pretentious," she reached for my hands but I moved my hands subtly so it was out of her reach.

Beth definitely noticed but she didn't let it stop her from continuing, "yes, Hollywood is full of people who use others to get ahead and there are a lot of narcissists in your field of work. But you're different. You're the kindest person I know and you would literally give the shirt off you back for a stranger if they needed it."

She reached across to hold my hands and my heart fluttered with the physical contact, "but I never should've said it and we never should have gone to bed angry at each other. I'm sorry." She lifted my hand up to her lips and gave it a soft kiss.

I had to look away from her because the sincerity in her eyes and her words would've been enough for me to break. It took everything I had to pull my hand away as I stood up and started walking towards the kitchen for a glass of water.

I could hear her footsteps follow from behind me, "Is everything ok, babe?" I could hear the anxiousness in her voice.

"Maybe you're right," I replied not turning around, "being a celebrity is all about appearances and it's really unfortunate but that's how this industry works."

I finally turned around and Beth gave me a confused look, "we work in completely different fields that prioritize different skills."

"I know," Beth smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist, "and how amazing is it that even though we're so different we go so well together?"

I let her arms linger on me for a couple more seconds so I could savor this feeling just a little longer before I stepped back from her, "but I think we're too different," I said in a quiet voice.

Beth frowned, "what are you talking about?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "we run in completely different circles, Beth. You prefer a night at the bar with your friends while I like going to celebrity parties and award shows." That couldn't have been a bigger lie. If I had the option I would definitely skip parties and award shows, they were so unnecessary.

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