january 1, 2025 - new york city

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GAZING OUT AT the lazy sea of clouds as she listened to music, Y/n experienced a strange sense of melancholy. Despite being only one of dozens of people aboard the plane, she felt outlandishly isolated.

Y/n supposed it was because of the deep dread she felt upon the unexpected appearance of her friends that morning at the airport. Hearing their voices and seeing their faces was just as upsetting as she knew it would be, but she was incredibly glad to have them there anyway. Nevertheless, when Jaeden gave her the present from Finn, and told her rather knowingly that Finn couldn't make it, Y/n felt a little pang in her heart; whether it was from disappointment or relief, she wasn't sure. All the same, the brown paper bag decorated with messy Sharpie doodles of snowflakes and gingerbread men held an odd weight to it — as though it contained a great treasure.

With an over seven hour plane ride from Vancouver to New York, Y/n expected to make up for the lack of sleep caused by packing and setting things in order the night before her departure. However, that wasn't the case. The moment she settled in her seat, with hours of boredom ahead, Y/n couldn't focus on anything other than the previous night. She had read the same sentence in her novel for the eighth time before tucking her book away in defeat. She closed her eyes, and although she was aware of the minutes passing by, she didn't feel any less tired. It was more like she was travelling through time. Even then, which way was she going? To the unknown of the future, or the familiar loneliness of the past? Would it be inaccurate to say both?

Y/n arrived at the John F. Kennedy International Airport early in the evening to meet up with Iris, the friend she would be staying with. The two caught up with each other during the taxi ride to Iris's apartment, and it wasn't long before she teasingly hinted at Y/n's love life.

"So...got a special boy — or girl — back in Vancouver?"

Iris and Y/n had only gotten back into contact with each other in July, the last time Y/n went to New York. They didn't have a whole lot of time to hold a decent conversation, so of course Iris didn't know anything about Finn. Y/n thought about mentioning him, but decided to disclose all the details another time; after all, what was her life in Vancouver without Finn? But wasn't that the purpose of moving here in the first place? To completely let go of who she was in order to start anew?

Y/n shook her head, "No. No one special."

Iris didn't fail to notice the flicker in Y/n's eyes, but decided not to prod any further. They continued to laugh, coo over Nesquik in his little carrier, and talk until they arrived at a towering building Y/n recognized from the pictures Iris sent her. She stared at the sheer height of it before she and Iris grabbed her bags, paid the driver, and made their way into the building.

Iris lived on one of the higher floors of what looked more like a modest hotel than an apartment. Compared to Y/n's old place in Vancouver, though wonderful and cozy, where she was now was far more modern and...luxurious. Y/n couldn't help but place her things on the tiled floor and gawk at the small yet tasteful minimalism of the pristine kitchen. She ventured further into the living room, and gaped at the glass doors that lead to the balcony.

"Holy shit!" Y/n gasped. She hurried over to the far side of the room to look through at the chairs outside and the breathtaking view. "Iris, this is so beautiful!"

Iris laughed and joined Y/n at the doors, sliding it open and allowing the both of them to walk through. The air was frigid, but it was the last thing Y/n noticed as she stared at the mesmerizing sky. She leaned against the stone railing in childlike awe. Navy that faded to orange, that faded to a blazing red, chased the descending winter sun below the horizon of the busy city. Although the sky was clear for now, snow dusted every surface Y/n could see, like she was standing within a classic Christmas card. The snowy streets, however, didn't deter those who were venturing the cold below, appearing like ants who were no doubt revelling in the last day of the year.

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