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Wow. Just wow.

Once again, Zuko manages so screw things up. First he decides that instead of following directions like everyone else and going left to sneak attack our current threat, the ravengers left over from the fire nation who are intent on burning a sacred forest to the ground.

See, after Aang defeated the fire lord, things didn't magically become perfect. Fire nation guards rebelled. Citizens intent on slaughtering innocent civilians from other nations attacked. And even worse, we had the problem of the angry Bosingse residents ready to charge, seeing their city was almost burned to the ground. 

But right now, our problem was these barbarians trying to set the forest on fire. 

"Zuko!" I hissed, waving my arms hysterically to get his attention. "What are you doing?!" 

Zuko had taken the exact moment that Aang was about to earthbend their horses into a hole, to decide that he didn't want to follow our plan, and started to stand up from the rock we were crouching on. He glanced over at me, rolling his eyes and continuing to stand up. 

Stupid Zuko. Just because he became Fire Lord doesn't mean he's got ANY power over me, the annoying loser. He can't even follow directions. I knew we shouldn't have brought him on the mission. 

"Hey!" He yelled, his gravely voice quickly catching the attention of the rebels. Aang glanced over at me, turning his palms up to ask what was going on. 

"I'm King Zuko, Lord of the Fire Nation. You have done enough damage; burning towns, killing innocent villagers, stealing, and arson. We've been on your tail for the past week. Surrender and you'll be spared." Zuko said, his stance defensive as flames flickered across his fingers. The ravengers laughed, standing up from their logs and tents, brandishing swords and spears, as well as fire bending. 

"Your a joke, King Zuko." A rebel said, standing up the shadows of the flames, a cloak around him falling to the floor. He was tall and lean, the shadows from the fire flickering across his face. He was handsome and keen, his body muscular and strong, but his face was scarred and burned, his eyes dark and brooding, the brown nearly black. Curly black hair blew lazily in the wind, a long sword sheath strapped to his back, hidden behind a red cape. "Your nothing to us. Just get out of our way. I'll get what I want, eventually." He laughed. 

Zuko's eyes hardened. 

"You little-"

I growled, standing up and brushing off my blue tunic, the dust from the ground falling onto my boots. He had done enough damage. Now that I knew he wanted something, maybe we could work out a negotiation. 

"Zuko, what the hell are you doing. Your ruining the mission." I groaned, shaking my head. Zuko turned, looking back at me and back at the ravengers. 

"Katara, can you just back off? This guy is pissing me off." He said, rolling his eyes and turning back to me, the fire blowing away from his fingers into tiny puffs in the air. The leader, the tall and brooding one, quickly stumbled back, his eyes wide with panic. 

"I don't want to be polite to murderers, but I heard that you wanted something. Perhaps we can come to an agreement-" 

I was cut off as a piercing pain erupted in my shoulder. My breath caught in my thought, and I stumbled, my world becoming hazy. I looked at the spot that had seemed to become numb, and realized that a large, metal arrow was ebbed into my left shoulder. 

Everything erupted into chaos.

Aang burst from behind the rock, yelling in anger as he grabbed his staff, pushing back the enemy's with a gust of wind. After temporarily fazing them, he ran to my side, his eyes wide with worry. Zuko rushed over, his hands shaky.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Aang screamed, his eyes burning with rage. Zuko's fists clenched, and he took a deep breath. I'd seen him do it before; he was trying really hard not to get angry. 

"Aang...I'm really sorry, I thought...I thought maybe they'd listen to me...since I'm king." He said, rubbing the back of his head. Aang shook his head in disgust, kneeling next to me and gently propping my head up. I groaned in pain, wincing as blood dripping onto the grass. 

"Shit...she hit a rock. Her head's bleeding!" Zuko said worriedly. "Katara, talk to us! Your going to be ok!" 

My vision clouded. I tried not to scream. This wasn't just from the arrow...or from the head injury. I felt like my blood was boiling. My head pounded in agony. Why the hell had Zuko ruined the plan?

"Katara, come on, speak to us!" Aang said worriedly, staring at the arrow nervously. I tried to speak, but...I couldn't. I choked on my words...it felt like my thought was closing up. I gagged, but they didn't notice. They were occupied as the enemies regained their strength and fired another round of arrows.

"AH!" Zuko yelled, narrowly dodging a arrow aimed right at his head. Aang waterbended spikes at the fire benders, but they kept melting before they reached the enemies, since there were a shit-load of fire benders firing round after round of flames. 

My back arched unexpectedly, and I tried to scream, but I couldn't. Poison. That's what was on the arrow. This made WAY more sense. 

"GET KATARA! WE HAVE TO RETREAT!" Zuko yelled over the noise, but Aang was too busy trying to keep the sword-bearers from advancing. I felt trapped. I needed to get their attention. But I felt paralyzed, and as the world around me became fuzzier, I could see the arrow headed straight for Zuko's arm shine in the moonlight. 


Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapter, but just a quick disclaimer; these pictures are not mine! I found them on pinterest or something like that, but the story is mine. Oh, and the characters are ALSO not mine. 


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