distant memories『mantis steele』

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PRIVATE SCENARIOrequested by jojo

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requested by jojo

name: mantis steele
age: 25
gender: male (he/him)
sexuality: pansexual
race: human
universe: ashrys
visage: jae-ha


ingrid was traveling alone, something that wasn't commonly endorsed in the world she found herself in. ashrys. a medieval-fantasy world with no shortage of drama, death, and bandits. while ingrid could handle herself, having to avoid or fight with the brutish thieves was frankly getting tiring. so tiring, in fact, that she paused under a large tree to rest. she sat down at the base with a soft huff coming from her lips.
that was when footsteps could be heard from behind.
ingrid internally groaned. more people who wanted to steal her stuff, great. she'd just have to get up and fight them. however, as she was about to push herself to her feet, she paused when she heard a familiar voice.
"it's been a long while since i've seen you." mantis? she glanced behind her, only to find that the man was much closer than she had expected. he was leaning against a tree by his arm, head tilted to the side as he smiled down at her. "my memory seems to be failing me, though. would the maiden like to re-introduce herself? just to ring a bell."

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