Chapter 2: Armament

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It was now 9:30 am. Just half an hour before his first meeting. Accelerator was on top of a radio tower drinking black coffee.

"Leader where are you"

Accelerator jumped down creating a gust of wind.

"Is everyone here ?"
"No some couldn't make it."

In front of Excel a group of about 100 people were waiting for him to speak.

"Who was the previous leader "
" It's me. My name is Mark"
"I see."
"First. Tell me why aren't you guys with guns"
"A few days back our storage was raided"

It was simple concept. If you want to be a successful gang. You needed Armament. But the situation on Grex gang was real bad. Excel devised a plan. It might sound childish but it will work.

"Which is the hang with the most guns ?"
"It's the flare gang"
"They have a shot ton of guns"
"Does anyone know their storage's location"

What was Accelerator planning. It simple to raid other gang. If they tried to retaliate or complain the eye of the city will ho more towards their resources.

"Who are Espers? "

Out of the 100 people only 41 of them were Espers . But it will work.

"Be ready. Tomorrow 3:00 am. For now find supplementary guns"

The 100 people started people started leaving . Their was fire in their eyes. After the humiliation they received . It was time for payback.

But Accelerator was still confused. Why was he so excited about taking revenge? Revenge. But revenge against whome?

Accelator headed to his apartment. He saw Hutou and Ester watching TV.

Ester : Where did you go ?

Accelerator : I was doing some business.

Ester :. What is that ?

Accelerator : Tsk. You don't require yo know.

Ester : It okay.

Accelerator : How did we met?

Ester : Huh. Oh we met in a hospital. You were recovering from your head injury but still you saved.

Accelerator : I see. Do you still remember the hospital.

Ester : Yes. I also remember the doctor who was treating you.

Accelerator found a way to know his past. He was having visions of a doctor with a frog face.

He quickly took the location of the hospital for Ester and flew towards the it. Upon reachinng it he was tensed. But as soon as he entered he saw found something . Hear the receptionist. There was a photo frame of the doctor with Late written below.

What the fuck? What was this ? Just when he was about to find about his past. It was like someone cutting the rope that he was clinging to.

Next day 3 AM

Excel and his gang were waiting in front a building. It had about 4 guards with guns. It was 4 stories building.
He quickly took care of the guards in front .

After that they swiftly took control of the building. It was loaded with M4s, AKs, QQ9s etc. It was truly amazing. The Grex gang felt a surge of power.

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