About the Book

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This book is rated R, so read at your own risk. The characters are either from other books of mine, or whoever you guys choose. The book is also ran primarily on requests so, leave comments to request a chapter.

In order to request a chapter you must leave a comment. You request must include at least 3 (three) of the following details:

(1) Character descriptions : age, sex, ethnicity, professions, body type, etc..
(2) Setting: location, time, city/country
(3) Relationship / Roles : How the characters know each other or how they met
(4) Kinks & Details: what are they into? What might be involved? How many rounds? Safe words? Etc..
(5) Character names: real and/or pet names
(6) Storyline/ Plot : How'd they get here? Also.. how much lead-in (intro) do you want in your chapter?
(7) Language: if you have a preference on what certain things are called? Use of explicits? I also speak English, Spanish, French, German and American Sign Language (If you want any of them included in your story, you should mention that as well).

There are some rules that must be followed to ensure mutual respect is given to everyone, both writer and reader alike. As well as some requests that will be ignored.

1. Underage: I will NOT write about characters under 17. Additionally, you can NOT pair a 17 year old with anyone older than 19.
2. Rape: I will NOT write about rape or sexual assault.
3. Incest: I will NOT support your weird Daddy-daughter or mother-son, stepdad, stepmom, brother-sister, etc fantasies. Sorry, wrong book.
4. Racism: For obvious reasons, anything racially offensive to any group will not be included.
5. Homophobia or related offenses: I expect to write polyamorous scenes, bisexual, gay, straight, lesbian, etc. So, anyone who has a problem with that... well you've come to the wrong place.
6. Religion: I will NOT write about anything that would be knowingly disrespectful to any of the many religions.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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