Chapter Five - Wait what?!

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Your legs carry you through foggy hall, elevator's claws shuting behind you and leaving you completely alone. Or not? You hear something. A painfull voice regreting his actions. Curiosity completely swallows you and the dark hall drags your body deeper. As you turn on lights, a man in red falls on ground. Streak, Barry?! What is he doing here, is he the streak or am I dreaming? This looks like a dream but why would I dream of a man I saw once in my life?

"Barry! You alright?" You know him by name because you saw him at Jitters with that black haired woman. Then you notice all the blood. Oh.. my.. god.. World starts to spin as you look at red pool of blood under him. It's fresh. But it stops spraying blood in all of a sudden. His super regeneration took care of it but before you could figure that out, everything goes dark. He catches you mid air. Blood and you are not good friends.

Voices sharply attack the silent, you open your eyes to see Barry leaning over you with two other employees you don't know. When you think about it, you never really met anyone working here. Does this thing really work on something? Streak just flew here injured like it's his nest. Is it? You suddenly sit on the hospital bed. It was a large room. This was a little medical island and behind glass door is a room with monitors and.. a costume? What the hell is going on.

"How are you ok?" You ask Barry as he measures you in his eyes. The woman tries to check your eyes with flashlight but you stand up so quickly, she has to take a step back.

"Ok, let me just.." You couldn't find the right answer. "You are The Streak, this is your nest, you two work with him? I suppose you know about this. Why is here a small hospital, does Harrison know about this?" You raised your voice in scared tone as you back away out the glass door. Harrison wheels in just in time. The man with longer hair gives him that look "save us."

"Miss (l/n), I'm sorry this happened, we didn't want you to find out like that." Tries to explain the woman. You sharply look at her.

"You wanted me to find this? Why did you even let me work here, it's not responsible, I-" You shake your head. All of this stress.. ahh! Something in your eyes flashes which Harrison notices.

"So it is true.." He says to himself. Something he didn't count with? An alarm interrupts him.

"What's that?" You ask. Barry quickly grabs his suit and is gone. Just like that. Poof.

The man with long hair runs to desk almost in the middle of room. "It's close Barry. Looks really like Weather Wizard. Storm just appeared above a bank and that's not normal." He chuckles.

You stand there really confused. The man ignores you and the woman is helping him search something. Harrison wheels closer.

"I didn't introduce you. This is Cisco and Caitlin. Barry was affected by the explosion too and also with other people, he gained powers."

"Stop right there." You stopped him as he wanted to say something more. "I quit. That is a big no from me, sorry but this is really messed up. Am i on drugs or something?" Harrison opened his mouth to say something but again, you stop him "No, I don't wanna know. I quit." You whisper the last words and angrily walk out of star labs with all your stuff.

Something wakes you up. A ringing phone. No, it's not a call. Someone is sending so much text messages in the same time.

unknown number

miss (l/n), I'm really sorry
for what happened there.
We didn't want to scare
you but you blacked out, Barry
was worried. Was it because
of the blood?
Please, answer me.
I know it's late.

Who are you?

My name is Caitlin Snow.
I took care of you health when
you were out.

Why should i continue
to work for you?

We could really
use your help!


You didn't answer after that. The only thing they paied you for was taking stuff in boxes from A to B, trading papers with Caitlin and leaving them in a specific room. Now you think you know what's going on.

"Let's just leave that on tomorrow's me."

All this was a lie? (Eobard Thawne x reader)Where stories live. Discover now