Part two

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When Obi-Wan arrived minutes later, Anakin was found at the Holotable in the improvised commanding area.

But other than Obi-Wan thought he was not working on a plan how they should go on.

He was carrying blankets over to a box.

"What are you doing there?" Obi-Wan asked, watching Anakin.

The young Jedi put the blankets in the Box, arranging them, so that the walls of the box where covered with the soft fabric.

"Building a bed" he replied, adding another blanket.

"That's a box" Obi-Wan denied that.

"Now it's a baby bed" Anakin replied, draping a soft pillow.

Obi-Wan froze in his movement.

"A baby bed?!" he asked startled.

"Yes, a baby bed. I told you that we managed to save one of the hostages. Her Name is Ahsoka Tano and she is" he looked on his chrono "one hour and fourteen minutes old"

The older Jedi opened his mouth and closed it again.

Anakin smiled softly.

"She's with the boys right now. They're trying to find something to eat for her."

Slowly Obi-Wan shook his head, as finally the news proceeded to his brain.

"Where is the mother" he asked

"She's dead. Died shortly after giving birth." Anakin replied, carefully and patiently correcting the position of the blanket.

"Other family members?" the Jedi-Master went on.

"Yes and No. Everyone listed as such in the Citizens profile of her mother is among the corpses."

Obi-Wan nodded, working through the news.

"So she is alone" he stated.

Anakin nodded.

"You wanna meet her?" Anakin asked, as he was ready with the baby bed.

"Yes" the Jedi Master answered quickly.

Anakin smiled. "She's absolutely adorable. The cutest thing you'll ever see."

Then he guided the Jedi-Master to the boys and the child.

Rex had the little one on her arms.

Fives was playing pick-a-boo with her.

Jesse was mixing some mashed nutritive concentrates in a cup of water.

As the Generals appeared they all looked up.

The girl giggled and stretched her little arms out in Anakins direction.

"There you are little one" he said, picking her up from Rex.

The girl laughed, her big eyes twinkling like little stars.

She was wrapped in a blanket and compared to Anakin so small.

"Here. May I introduce you, Obi-Wan this is Ahsoka. Ahsoka, this is Obi-Wan"

The girl stretched her arms for Obi-Wan and grabbed after his beard.

Obi-Wan leaned over her, stroking her little cheek.

Ahsoka giggled.

Fives looked mad that he didn't got to play pick-a-boo with the baby anymore.

"Finished" Jesse mentioned, holding up the cup with improvised baby-food.

Anakin took it with one Hand, Ahsoka on the other arm, holding her close to his chest, so that she wouldn't fall.

"There you go little'un" he told her, trying to pour the liquid in her mouth.

She managed to get a zip, then obviously tried to breath the next one, causing her to sneeze.

All the people around went immediately silence, as the girl sneezed.

They all looked at each other.

No one said a word.

Well... except for Fives.

"How cuuuuuuteeeeee" squeaked at the adorable sound.

Ahsoka moved her tiny head, trying to see from where this squeak came.

Anakin was kinda frozen in his position, not knowing wether he should agree with Fives, or if he had hurt her.

Obi-Wan smiled and carefully took the baby and the cup from Anakin, feeding the little one.

The rest of the soldiers needed a moment to proceed the noise that they just heard.

"How can something make such an adorable noise" Jesse asked, as he found his voice.

Fives watched Obi-Wan feeding Baby Ahsoka.

Rex gave Anakin some fabric to wipe away the food that was spilled on his tunic.

Till this moment Anakin hadn't even realised, that the girl spilled it.

He just was to startled.

He completely agreed with Jesse.

A big yawn escaped the baby's lips, remembering Anakin of the baby bed he built.

"Come her little'un" he said, taking Ahsoka and bringing her to the box.

Gently he laid her in, stroking her cheek.

Another yawn found it's way out and the girl closed her eyes.

Rex placed his helmet next to her.

Anakin wanted to take it away at first, then deciding against it, when he realised what the soldier was up to.

In Rex Helm was a camera. Of course, it was a clone helmet.

And he played the recording of Ahsokas mother singing the lullaby.

The girl tried to grab the helmet with her small fingers, dazing off into sleep.

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