She shook her head. "Nope, just bruised. I'll wrap it up and give you an aspirin, but you should be fine," she told me.

"Thanks. Do you work for the airline?" I asked.

She shook her head again. "No. But there are flight attendents needed in other stations, there's only seven or eight of them, and I have my medical license with me, so I volunteered."

"Oh. Well, good on you." I smiled at her.

"Are you Jade Thirlwall...from Little Mix?"


"My daughter loves you."

I smiled again as she handed me a couple tablets and a bottle of water. "What's your name?" I tipped my head back and swallowed the pills.


"Listen, my friend is here, Jesy Nelson?"

"Yeah, she's over here, she woke up a couple minutes ago." She helped me over to where Leigh-Anne and Perrie were waiting. Jesy was sitting up as someone scribbled a couple things on a clipboard and then handed it to the woman who attended to me.

Rachel smiled. "She just hit her head. But she seems okay, no memory loss. She just isn't allowed to sleep for six hours. because she has a small concussion. Also, she can't read or look at a screen for the same amount of time."

Jesy groaned. "Lovely."

"Cheer up, it could be worse," Perrie said.

"Typical Perrie, always has to be cheerful and happy," I said, shaking my head. "Only you, Pez."

Over the next half hour, we watched anxiously as the sky darkened and the temperature dropped. Sure, we were warm from the blankets and heaters, but we would be cold no matter what if it started raining.

So, naturally, with my luck, it started raining. We were all on a rotating list. Some slept and rested, reading or eating under the only two boats with the slanted roof top, while others attended to first aid and more dumped buckets of rain water out into the ocean again.

In this storm, the rescue boat was bound to get lost. The sky, once a cloudy gray colour was now an electrifying mix of dark blues and blacks with the occasional white patch.

Normally, rainy weather was one of my favourites, but not while stranded in the middle of the ocean. "Our mums are probably worried sick," I said. "I hope they know we're okay."

"I didn't even begin to think about that," Leigh-Anne said.

Our problem grew steadily worse as the plane started to sink.

"Crap," Perrie muttered. "If the plane goes under, we're all screwed."

"What? Why?" Jesy asked.

"When it sinks, it'll be dragging some water down with it. The bigger the mass, the more of its surroundings it'll pull down. And since planes are hella big...," I trailed off. "We're so close we'll be sucked in, too."


As we spoke, people were already madly paddling away from the plane. On the horizon, through the falling rain, I could see large glowing circles, like two gleaming headlights. The rescue boat.

Just as the first person stepped onto the boat, the aeroplane went down. The girls and I were on the very edge, and felt ourselves being toppled backwards, along with about ten others. I kicked to the surface and saw Leigh-Anne swimming to the rescue boat, towing a little girl with her. Jesy resurfaced just as I started to panic

Wildest Dreams [UNEDITED, ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now