Chapter Six: Happy

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Just a tiny update but I thought seen as its Christmas why not, will not update until the day after Boxing Day now as the next two days are family time and catching up. I hope you all have a good Christmas and a happy new year🎉🎅. Thank you for your kind comments they mean alot❤️


I wake up, look to my right and I can't help but smile. Even in the morning with no make up on and asleep she looks breathtaking. I don't understand how I got so lucky. Me out of all people, especially with my past, but that didn't bother her. She didn't seem to care about my past and that's what I love. She didn't judge me, she didn't have some preconceived idea of what I was like. She took me for me.

I didn't want to go out that night, the night we met. I had begged and begged Janine to let me stay indoors, I wasn't feeling it. I had not long split up with my last girlfriend who was in fact a very close friend of mine and wasn't really looking for fun. I mean yes I've known Cheryl for quite some years but I never looked too into it. We clashed as some of Janines parties but that was it, she was just Janines friend, that's what I knew her as anyway.
If im being completely honest I did want to do some research when I first met her all them years ago, she intrigued me, but I was too scared.
I wish I did, I never knew what a hard time she was going through back then, what he put her through. I could say I hate him, I could say i want to smash his face in but truth be told I never knew him. Never even met him so how could i judge him. I never knew what he was like but one thing I am thankful for is how strong he made Cheryl.
Because of the heartbreak she went through it made her stronger and I know if she wasn't strong we would have never had a chance.

Authors POV

It wasn't until walking into the kitchen and searching for the ingredience for the breakfast did JB notice that everything was still in the same place. She hadn't eaten properly like she had promised him she would. I mean he knew she wasn't the best of cooks, I mean everyone knew she wasn't the best of cooks but the thought of her living off take away and cafe food made him feel sick.
She deserved proper food every morning, she deserved someone to make the food for her.
The truth was JB hadn't gone away to sort his restaurant out, he had gone away to sign transfer papers. Papers that meant he could now set up his own restaurant in London, it was meant to be a surprise. One he would later spring on Cheryl but for now he wanted it a secret.
He wanted to wait until her birthday, until he had every other surprise under control.

It had taken JB at least an hour to get breakfast for Cheryl sorted and by that time she was sleepily making her way out of the bedroom and down the stairs.
She had woke up alone in bed and she didn't like it. She didn't want it all to be a dream, she wanted to make sure he was still here with her.

Cheryls POV

"JB" I shout through the house, I was still half asleep but the fact he wasn't with me when I woke up sent shivers down my spine, it gave me a bad feeling.
"In here baby" his voice is like a addiction.
"I woke up and you wasn't there" I mumbled walking into the kitchen and I can't believe what I saw. A full english breakfast.
"I'm sorry babe I wanted you to have something good to eat"
"I knew there was a reason why I loved you"
"Oh so not my good charm or anything else just my cooking"
"Pretty much"
"Well I love you for your hairy legs baby cakes" that's it.
"I'm gunna kill you"
And we ran around the house for ages, chasing after eachother and laughing. Just being a couple, doing couple things.

Cheryl and JB: Only HumanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora