Chapter Three: The Wait

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My chapters have been really short for the first few because I'm just getting into the swing of the story and didn't want to bore anyone too much. When JB gets introduced into the story the chapters will be longer, promise.

Chapter Three

Authors POV

Cheryl had arrived home early the next morning after the auditions had thankfully come an end. Tired didn't cut how she was feeling lately, never did she remember the show being this physically and emotionally draining back when she started. Then again she was a shell of herself back then, she had a wall up, a wall she let no one break. She didn't want anyone to think she wasn't strong, to assume she shouldn't be treated the same because of all the things she was going through but she proved herself. Proved to everyone that after years and years of negativity she was still fighting, still standing strong despite all the obstacles she had to face along the way.

Let's face it for a 30 year old she had been through a hell of a lot, more then most 80 year olds have.
Heartbreak, divorce, illness, public humiliation you name it Cheryls been through it and yes at times she wanted to give up, at times she felt uncomfortable in not knowing her own mind. Not knowing if she was going to allow herself to be here the next day. Depression got her down for years on end after the whole american sacking but when she turned 30 it was like everything changed.
Janine invited Cheryl for Christmas and Cheryl willingly accepted not realising that the couple of months away would not only clear her mind completely, not only to make her feel as comfortable within herself as she had ever been but also to find true love.

Walking into her front room reminded her just how much she missed having JB around. Takeaway boxes were scattered everywhere evident of Cheryls poor kitchen abilities. She tried, the first day JB went to France she tried her hardest to cook herself a decent meal but nothing lived up to his cooking. Every night without fail she would have a hot meal ready and waiting for her when she got home. The fire would be on with a hot chocolate that was made just the right temperature.
It was like a fairytale, those things you read in books and wait your whole life for the perfect relationship. It's something Cheryl gave up on thinking existed only for JB to show up in her life to show her different.

Cheryls POV

I miss him.
The house feels empty and im almost scared to go in other rooms, debating whether something would be hidden in the shadows waiting to pounce at the given chance.
It was like he was my safety network, when he was here I could run around freely, I could do anything but when he's gone it couldn't be more different.
The thoughts of what could happen go around in my head and I feel myself slipping but I know I can't. I'm stronger then this, he makes me strong. Plus he'll be back. Tomorrow.
The idea makes me feel elated.
Tomorrow I'll be able to feel his arms around me. Tomorrow I'll have that sense of safety back and tomorrow I'll finally be able to sleep.
People always told me that when the person you truly love goes away you feel a hole but I never believed them. I never felt that hole with Ashley, I never truly missed him.
It's a strange feeling. It's like you know you're meant to do something but you can't, it doesn't feel right without them.

I walk into my room pulling my tshirt off and replacing it with one of his. That was my ritual. No matter if he was here or not I always wore his tshirt to bed, I don't know what it is. The smell, the feeling. I'm not sure but I love it.
He laughed at the start, said he found it silly, then later admitting to me that he found it extremely sexy may I add.
I smile at the thought, quickly taking a picture of my reflection in the mirror.

- makes me miss you even more but I know how much you love it x -

I attach the picture before sending it, waiting a couple of minutes hoping that maybe there was a chance he was still awake, of course knowing he wouldn't be as we had said goodnight earlier in the night but it's always worth a try.

Authors POV

After trying her hardest to stay awake long enough for just one text Cheryl had eventually given up and drifted off into a nice peaceful sleep thinking about all the things tomorrow will bring, how her happiness would be back in full force, he was coming back and she would feel whole again.

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