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So here's a little back story:
My name is Ellie, I'm 15 and I live in California with my family. I have a crush on a TikTok boy named quinton. He's super cute and sweet. I've met him at playlist before but that's the last time I saw him.

"Ellie I need you do to something," mom shouted from downstairs. "Ugh what now." I said as I ran down the stairs. "I need you to bring these brownies to our new neighbors, they just moved in." Mom said. "Mkay fine." I said taking the brownies.
Once I got to the house I knocked on the door. And I was shocked by who answered it. "Uh hey," I said looking at the brownies. I knew who my new neighbor was, the one and only, quinton Griggs. "Hey uh you must be my neighbor?" He asked scratching the beck of his neck. He didn't have a shirt on and was pretty sweaty. "Yeah um, that's me my names Ellie." I said trying to hide the fact that I was nervous. "Wow you look and sound so familiar, and my names quinton." "Uh yeah I met you at playlist once." I said. "Ohhh haha I still have the hoodie you gave me, you can come in if you want." He said. "Uhm yeah sure." I said handing him the brownies. "Here follow me we can go up to my room." He said. Wow I'm going into quinton Griggs room I thought to myself. We got up to the room and he closed the door behind me. Once we were in his room he pinned me against the wall. "Is it ok if I kiss you?" He asked. "Totally fine by me-" I was cut off by his lips touching mine. We ended up making out for 15 minutes. His hands were on my waist slowly inching down to my butt. She grabbed my ass and squeezed it. I got him off of me and pushed him on the bed. I climbed on top of him and started grinding on his big bulge. "You sure you want to do this?" He asked me. "Yes, but the real question is are you sure YOU want to do this." I laughed. "Definitely." He said with a smirk...

I really enjoyed writing this one. I feel like it could be the start of a book. I'm sorry it's not really smut but idk what to do. Should I make this a book? Love you all and thanks for the support❤️

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