Chapter 18~Trust

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A/N~Definitely not as good as what I had before, but it's okay XD I'm sorry that this chapter is so late...I hope you still like it lol
Nagito's POV:


"Honestly Hajime...I'm alright...~" I say, making him sigh some. "Your were stabbed and you don't need to be moving around..." Hajime says as he fluffs a pillow and puts it on my bed, me laying my head back down, "I'll go get the pain medicine..." I watch as he leaves my room, me sighing some. He's been like this since we got home from school today...I feel like I'm still in the nurses office, the only difference being that...Hajime is taking care of me instead of Mikan. I smile some to myself. I...prefer it this way...~ Though I do wish that he would at least let me get up and walk around...or at least stay close by him...I don't like the thought of him being by himself...because of the lackeys...and Izuru.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see Hajime walk back in, holding a medicine bottle and a glass of water, "I'm back..." he says as he walks back over, handing me both the medicine and water. "Thanks...~" I say as I take the medicine, sipping the water afterwards. I sit down the glass and look over at him, noticing that he's looking down some. I can tell that he still feels bad about all's not his fault that I got's my own fault for going with Peko in the first place, though if I wouldn't have gone...Souda would've been hurt or...even killed by her.

I sigh some and take Hajime's hand, making him look at me and blush some, "Hajime...It's not your fault okay...~?" I say, him instantly looking back down. "I know..." he tightens his grip on my hand, "It's that spiky haired idiots's because of him that you went with her..." he says, surprising me some. "I didn't want Souda to get hurt Hajime! What else was I supposed to do...let her kill him!?" I say as I let go of his hand and turn away from him. Hajime goes silent for a while, irritating me some. I know he doesn't really think's because of Izuru that he hates Souda and the others...I sigh some to myself. His influence over Hajime is dangerous, but...I'm stuck with him until the blood moon...once that day comes...he'll-

"Nagito..." Hajime says, making me once again snap out of my thoughts and look back to see that...he's now laying next to me, "I'm sorry...I know that you want me to trust them,'s just-" I interrupt Hajime by turning back towards him and hugging him tightly. "I know...just try to...for me...~" I say, nuzzling him some. Hajime blushes and carefully hugs me back, once again going silent. I look behind him, noticing that his tail is wagging some, I giggle a bit to myself, "Your so adorable...~" I say as I pet his hair. He nuzzles closer to me, hiding his blushing face, "Shut up..." he says, sounding irritated and somewhat embarrassed, making me giggle more.

We stay quietly like this for a while, until Hajime suddenly speaks up, "Nagito..." he says, making me release him from my hug and look at him, face to face. "Yea...?" I say, noticing that he looks a bit nervous, "What's wrong...?" He looks down some, a bit of a blush forming on his face, "I uh...well...I just...wanted to tell you that I..." I stay quiet, waiting for him to continue speaking before Hajime sighs and leans his head on mine, "I'll try my best to get along with them..." he says, making me blush some. He...did this before...last night as a wolf...and this morning before I woke up...why...? I'm not sure, makes me happy when he does...~

I smile some and run my fingers through his hair, "I know you will...~" I say with a slight laugh, making him smile some. He leans his head away and lays back down, hiding his blushing face. I giggle some. I don't know why he looks so embarrassed, but it's adorable...~ I look through my window, realizing that it's starting to get dark. He's gonna transform soon...I need to make sure he doesn't leave... I don't want a repeat of last night...I yawn some. I can't fall asleep this time...I need to stay awake so I can...keep an eye on him...

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