1: Intro

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Some 4th and 5th-year girls gossip about the war and 7th years coming back for their 8th year.

A family of redheads wait for a train while hoping to see old friends. "Have you seen Harry?" a Gryffindor girl huffed looking back and forth. She had red hair, just like her brother.

"GINNY! It's always HARRY, HARRY, HARRY, just appreciate he's coming to Hogwarts after the death of u know who......" the brother of the redhead whines.

After the war, many things have changed. Harry moved away to a muggle neighbourhood so he could live a peaceful life, but insisted Prof. McGonagall that he would go and become an 8th year.  Ron and Hermione had finally started dating. And well Draco, there was a lot about Draco.

"Oh my GOD," a 4th year whispers to her friend "is that really Draco Malfoy? what happened, he's so..."

The Weasleys look back to and gawk at the new version of Malfoy. He has nice ruffled hair, no gel ( thank god). Wearing a short leather jacket with nice cuffed black jeans that fit him perfectly. and you could see ends of his tattoos covering his left arm. He looks more easy-going, not tense like he used to. 

"Different." the girl whispers back. 

Different (drarry)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang