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Loki groaned. He slowly sat up and looked around. He was sitting in a pile of garbage. As far as the eye could see there was garbage. Small ships dotted the air. All seemed to be made of scrapes that fell from the sky. Loki stumbled to his feet. Which wasn't an easy task. Garbage had the tendency to move had shift. After a lot of falling and attempts to teleport, Loki got to his feet. His magic didn't seem to be working correctly. He squinted at a ship that seemed to be coming right for him. It didn't occur to him that he should run until it started to shoot at him. He half ran half fell through the trash. The ship cast a shadow over him. Suddenly a figure wearing a purple trench coat dropped in front of him. She cocked her head as he backed away. "Oh don't run." She said in a weird way. Almost as if she was talking to a child. She stuck out her bottom lip in a pout.
"I just got here." Loki felt something heavy land on his shoulders. He looked up and almost fainted. The girl was standing on his shoulders. But the girl was standing in front of him, wasn't she? The girl in front of him smiled and melted away. The girl jumped off his shoulders. She looked him up and down.
"Too weak for the arena. But too strong to be a servant. Oh well, we'll find a job for you. Daddy's going to be so happy."
Loki frowned. "Who?"
She smiled sweetly and kissed him. Loki was too shocked to respond. She gently pulled away and gave him a slight push. A smile was still on her face, but everything was going blurry. By the time Loki hit the ground, he was asleep.

Boom! First Chapter done! Who is this girl? Who is her Father? Why did she kiss Loki?
You'll have to wait for the next update.😏

Don't worry they're not all going to be this short. Hope you liked this!😁

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