[revan is also a good mythical creature]

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[Revan also has another job that a lot of humans know he is known as the forest watcher he would wonder the forest at night to find lost children and bring them back home to there mothers and family's he is regarded as a safe creature of humanity and while also being the mythical creature called the wendigo]

[Revan also has another job that a lot of humans know he is known as the forest watcher he would wonder the forest at night to find lost children and bring them back home to there mothers and family's he is regarded as a safe creature of humanity ...

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[He also has a pet that is a helper with revan who helps him bring children back to there family's and help them calm down]

[He also has a pet that is a helper with revan who helps him bring children back to there family's and help them calm down]

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[Revan also likes children he treated them like they were his own and he's a good father like creature]

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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