Tommy gazed over at me and smirked as if he had any affect on me what so ever but I held his gaze with a steely stare until it was him that looked away. It was a small victory but it felt good to have forced him into that small submission.

I tried to listen to Grayson's introduction but all I could focus on was each and every curve and cut of his muscular body. From head to toe he had never been in such good physical condition and I couldn't pretend it wasn't a huge turn-on to know exactly what that hard, strong body could do to me.

My hormones were raging like a horny teenager and I was loving every second.

The referee told the fighters to touch hands out of respect and Grayson held out his fists but Tommy shook his head and kept his fists down showing just how petty and low life's he truly was.

The crowd booed at his lack of respect for the etiquette of the sport aswell. It was like he wanted people to hate him. I just didn't get it.

The bell rang and Tommy circled Grayson from a good amount of space just out of the long reach of Grayson's arm.

He was on the defensive already which suggested Grayson had got in his head by the cool, calm and collected manner in which he'd behaved so far.

Tommy has expected, no he'd wanted Grayson on edge so he could get into his head, just like he did Hunters. But Grayson was too smart for that.

Dropping his guard Grayson curled him fingers and called Tommy towards him in a come hither motion smirking as he did so. Grayson wanted him to attack him. He was welcoming the fight, but Tommy was reluctant. His jaw clenched hard at Grayson's action.

Grayson the rested his hands at his sides completely leaving himself open to Tommy's attack. Tommy pivoted on one foot and twisted around attempting to lay a high round house kick at Grayson's head.

Grayson stood still but dodged his head in perfect timing to let Tommy's foot fly over his head. Tommy wobbled slightly on one foot as his blow hadn't landed how he'd hoped.

Grayson took full advantage and planted the perfect knee to Tommy's gut. Tommy doubles over slightly allowing Grayson to slam his hip into Tommy's rib cage intensifying the pain from the previous blow.

Grayson wrapped his arm around Tommy's waist and twisted throwing Tommy over his hip and into the mat.

Just before Tommy hit the mat Grayson removed his arm and elbowed him in the mouth twice then knelt over him as he fell flat out in the mat.

Grayson's fists moved in quick, perfect succession to give Tommy a last two punch combo before his eyes fell heavy and with a bloody face he was out.

Tommy was unconscious.

It was a knock out.

The ref lifted Grayson off of Tommy and the bell rang loudly but was drowned out by the screams of joy and excitement from the standing ovation of the crowd.

The referee held Grayson's hand in the air and announced him the winner by first round knock out.

Grayson had done it just like I knew he would. He'd won the biggest fight if his life and he was beaming with proud and absolute strength!!

We all stood up screaming and clapping so hard our hands were hurting.

Hunter and my dad were hugging him and lifting him up in the air in celebration while at Tommy's team dragged him to his corner checking him over as he finally looked humble and defeated.

Then Grayson pointed to me and beckoned me down into the cage.

I cautiously climbed down the steps and the security guard opened the cage gate for me. Grayson was hot and sweaty but I didn't care.

He lifted me up and kissed me so hard the air was knocked from my lungs.

He span me around kissing all over my face and neck in a playfully, happy manner that made me feel like we were the only ones in the arena.

"I did it Mads. I did it" Grayson exclaimed excitedly

"I didn't doubt it for a second Gray. You were fucking amazing! " I kissed him back with as much conviction as I could making sure he knew I meant every word I said.

Because he truly was amazing. Not just at fighting but at everything.

I was so beyond lucky to have such an incredible husband and father to my children. I was so lucky to have him.

There was no way on earth I'd ever let anyone take him away from me.

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