Death of the Author

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So this story is over four years old and still getting attention (which I appreciate so much; every single one of your votes still makes me smile) and I wanted to address a few things.

I am very different from the person I was when I wrote this.  I've grown and changed as humans are supposed to do. I was in my late teens looking for stress relief and escapism and writing this story was a way for me to do both while being an active participant in this fandom and experiencing the world JK Rowling created in a new way.

Here's the thing. I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community and need to address this here. This story meant a lot to me when I wrote it. The Harry Potter Universe still means a lot to me. It gave me an escape from my anxiety and helped me find the light in dark times. Like so many others those books helped shape who I became.

But JK Rowling has had problematic and deeply troubling stances on varying subjects for a while now, most recently regarding the Transgender community. And while I myself am not transgender, I stand by the beautiful souls who are and cannot let this story stay up without stating that I do not support JK Rowling and that I  have many grievances with her. I don't like where she stands on a lot of things and she can shove her pseudo-wokeness up her ass.

I firmly believe in death of the author and a separation between creation and creator; and that you and I can still take joy from her creation without supporting or even liking the author. In fact, I highly encourage you all to support small creators instead of buying officially licensed merch and to unfollow JK on social media platforms.

Of course, she absolutely has the right to her opinion, and to  express it freely. However, she is not exempt from the consequences of holding and sharing harmful and toxic opinions that are detracting from larger issues being faced in the current hellscape that is the year 2020.

So fuck JK, but don't let her toxicity stop you from enjoying the HP universe; but if you decide to give up your love for the Harry Potter universe in the end anyway, that is also a fair and valid response and I support your decision. I do not support any defence of JK Rowling. Trans-women are women, trans-men are men and all non-binary identities are valid and good. Her constant debate about sex vs gender is irrelevant because it's personal for each and it detracts from the broader scope of issues the transgender community faces. It's an important distinction sure, but not in the way she seems to think it is.

In conclusion; JK Rowling sucks, this book will stay up despite her beliefs, but it does not stand with her. Trans people are valid and important and beautiful and deserve to feel that they are.

Stay safe, keep reading and don't forget to turn on the light, even in the darkest of times.

I'm always up for messages; but as I said, I will not tolerate JK defenders.


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