Felicity Nott: A Brief Biography

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"When you are born in a world that you don't fit in; it's because you were born to help create a new one."

At the age of seven Felicity Nott was always a sniveling mess, crying and whimpering because her parents tried to beat the magic out of her, no matter how many times she insisted that she just couldn't help it.

At eleven when her Hogwarts letter didn't come, Felicity Nott hid under her big brother's bed for a week, because her parents were furious.

By the time she was twelve, Felicity Nott was enrolled in a muggle boarding school for girls, and hated everything and everyone.

When she was fourteen, Felicity Nott was a nightmare and a terror. She was arrogant, she laughed at people who wore clothes that didn't match and made fun of the muggle girls who missed home.

But no one saw her scars, no one saw her nightmares and no one, not even the headmistress, had met Felicity Nott's family.

At the age of sixteen, Felicity Nott fell in love for the first time with a muggle boy from the village outside her school. Her father killed him out of spite.

On her eighteenth birthday Felicity Nott was ripped from her comfortable life as a muggle student by a band of grimy snatchers led by her younger brother and brought before a very pink lady with black eyes and tortured with nothing but a wooden wand and one word.


At the age of nineteen, Felicity Nott received a letter from Mafalda Hopkirk, informing her of her parents' death, her younger brother's arrest and her older brother's disappearance, which left her the only heir to the Nott family fortune.

By the time she was twenty, Felicity Nott was broken, lost, scared, alone and suddenly, very wealthy.

But Felicity Nott would be damned if she let the wizarding world know how badly they had broken her.

At the age of twenty one, desperate and at a loss for money, Felicity gave in and accepted her inheritance, three years after she had sworn off all things magic. After a degrading and draining encounter at the bank, Felicity Nott walked into a wizarding pub against her better judgement and changed her life forever.

319 words
28 June 2016

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