Chapter 9 - Cooking Cataclysm (Ramona)

Start from the beginning

Teagan: No! ;-;

Me: I'm insulted. ;_;

Ariana: I don't think it's possible to be too attached to Anakin...

I wince. Of course, she had to say that right in front of him. He knows how we feel – seeing the conversation we had with Evelyn a while back proved it – but I still feel weird that he knows how deeply I care for him even though we've only known each other a couple months. My eyebrows rise in confusion when I see Ariana typing a bunch of random letters.

A surprised and irritated exclamation from her draws my attention, and I glance over my shoulder to see her and Anakin fighting over the keyboard. Seriously? We went over this. We did. We really did. I burst into laughter again. They're technically adults, but they're literally squabbling like little children, and over a keyboard, no less.

Asiya: What's happening to Ariana's keyboard? O_o

Teagan: Oh dear, Ani and Ari got in a fight. :)

Anakin finally pulls the keyboard away, unfairly using the Force in the process and starts typing very, very slowly. "You don't have to believe them, but they are telling the truth."

"I thought we agreed that only the three of us would be talking to her," huffs Ariana, pulling her keyboard away from him. I roll my eyes before turning back to my own computer screen. They're ridiculous. Typical siblings.

Asiya: Stop impersonating him. -~-

Ariana: I guess we won't be able to tell you the story, but you won't believe us anyway

Me: I guess story time will have to wait for later... ;-;

Teagan: When you believe us >:)

Asiya: I might need to go soon.

Ariana: Well we need to go also to take tests...

Asiya: Bye! =D and I do hope that you give your brains a break and rest from Star Wars :)

Teagan: Never gonna happen

Me: Impossible

I'm not planning to ignore my own life, thank you very much. Not when I have more than I could ever have dreamed of. Asiya has no idea what she's suggesting. I do not envy her when she finds out the truth.

Ariana: I'll never give up what I have now for anything in the world. -_-

Asiya: Okay whatever o_o

Of course, she's confused. "She's interesting," remarks Anakin from behind us as he watches over Ariana's shoulder. I'm glad he's not doing that to me.

I smirk. "We wouldn't have someone boring for a sister."

All three of us: BYE! hugz

Asiya: hugz and puts chocolate in your hair

Teagan: wails and runs to wash it out T_T

Me: O_O

Ariana: takes out chocolate and gives it to Anakin to eat

Asiya: -_-

Teagan: I don't think he wants to eat chocolate that was in your hair. O.O

Ariana: I think not. O.o

Asiya: BYE!!!!

She closes off, and so do we. Much as I wish she'd believe us because I want to tell her everything, I don't blame her. I don't want to keep secrets from her since she won't believe the truth. I push the thought away, knowing better than to dwell on it. Once we meet again – whenever that'll happen – she'll meet Anakin and Obi-Wan herself.

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