Hurtful Words

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(Thanks to XxReySoloxX for the title of the book, title heading of the first chapter and the music in the media banner.)

3rd Person Point of View:

Pandora Rose Ren, the youngest commander of the First Order, is the brightest star of the Fleet, and is an ace pilot, fierce combatant in battle, and an amazing tactical genius, even although she is treated so kindly by her father, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, whom he sees as his pride and joy. She is only 14, and already out of the combat program, she's her father's double, she's force sensitive, and also she has her father's black hair which sits nicely at shoulder length and also his chocolate brown eyes, she mirrors her father's features perfectly. She however, is very prone to being bullied. She saddens easy, and her energy is always depleted when she has an emotional trinity episode. She angers easy like her father, but rather than destroying computer panels with her two lightsabres, she allows herself to cry after the anger, and listen to her music to calm down, then sleep it off. Sometimes she would put a song on and because her dad loves her so much, he would hear her emotions, he just runs to her and comforts her, when she tells him what happened, Hux would get warned about her by Kylo.

End 3rd person.

Pandora Rose Ren's Point of View:

Hux is at it again... I'm far too young to be hit on by someone 10 years older than I am, he sees me as a worthless teenager, I have far more worth than that ginger haired pig. Oh I'm my father's spitting image, yes, I'm the daughter of the Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren, he became a single father after my mother died after giving birth to me, so she held me in the moments that she had left to live. My father was devastated by the death and the nurses handed me to him, and he named me Pandora Rose Ren... And here we are now

I was making my rounds after my language skills lesson, and that's when Hux saw the opportunity to hit on me, but like my dad, I have his ability to anger easy. Hux may be a general but he's a vile pig who tries to get his way with me. That's why I know 4 combat styles, I am a hotshot with a blaster, a very beautiful sharpshooter with archery, a poet with 2 lightsabres and dangerous when I wrestle. Yes, when Hux angers me, Wrestling comes in handy... I just roughen him up and not kill him. That's just my anger stage, stage 2 is remorse and regret, and I start crying, alerting my father... Then when he calms me down enough, I fall asleep in his arms. Hux calls me some nasty hurtful names from movies that I love.... Oh I wear glasses by the way... I'd kill anyone who would have the gall to break them.

General Hux's Point of View:

Oh, here comes that Nazgul on her rounds, she's a worthless mudblood. I need to show her who's the boss around she comes close to me, and I grab her and pin her to the wall of the flagship halls. "Let me go you Son of a bantha!" She hollered at me, And I replied "no, so what are you going to do about it, you filthy little Mudblood?" She had pathetic tears threatening to spill out of her eyes, but she blinked then away, and slipped out of my grip, the nerve of her! Oh wait... oh crud, she gets angry easily, just like her father. Uh oh, she's at the point where of anger and that would force me to quiver at her wrath... Her freaking excuse for lame sports entertainment style of fighting, she actually fights using WWE wrestling skills. She roughened me up, but doesn't kill me, I will have her learn respect I guarantee you that. She hollered at me, "I carry respect, I just don't trust you enough to give you it... You disrespect me... And I anger just as easily as my father. Don't make me roughen you up..." I replied, "you know, I can do whatever I want with you, young Ren. Just because Kylo Ren is your father, doesn't mean I have to like you." She replied to me, "Just wait until my father hears about this!" "Your father doesn't have to know, I'll make sure of it, Nazgul."

Kylo Ren's Point of View:

What is that noise? Sounds like name-calling, that ginger haired General Hux must be provoking my daughter again... But she's very smart, also self sufficient, she has 4 different fighting styles.... I taught her how to cook, mathematics, science, art, and computer engineering, she handles her anger by training and fighting with stormtroopers to build their combat skills. My daughter is beautiful and kind, I don't know how Hux hates having her around... She's different from the other Personell though she's just a young girl. I heard nasty names aimed at my daughter, then she list it and wait she's just roughened the general up, someone has stood up to him, my daughter is the only one who can.

After the fight, Hux had scarpered, he's afraid of Pandora... She's tough for a young girl, so are the stormtroopers who bully her.

Pandora Rose Ren's Point of View:

The nerve of that ginger haired General! Calling me names from my favourite films and books... So what does he do, he calls me Nazgul and mudblood... I pinned him down and started to roughen him up a little bit. He scarpered when I was done with him. But then my eyes begin to show regret and sadness, and I ran off to my quarters, the tests threatening to spill and blur my eyes, I made it to my quarters and sank into the bed and started sobbing softly I curled up I was so upset now... (play Rascal Flatts "What Hurts The Most.")

I cried so much that my father heard my sadness from being Force Sensitive, he came with fast footfall, and he saw me and he sat on my bed, took his mask off... And he gently picked me up of the mattress and took me into his arms... He is ever so gentle with me, I'm glad my father is here. I love my father with all my heart. He asks me, "Are you alright, sweetie, do you want me to talk to that general Hux for you?" I replied, "if that works, please, but it'll be a while before I recover fully from this..." My father nods and I began to yawn, but I began to drift off to sleep... Stage 3 is kicking in. He started to sing to me. I started to sleep off the emotions and I'll be back to normal the next day...

Kylo Ren's Point of View:

My daughter has been through enough, it's time Hux was taught a lesson in manners and respect for my beautiful daughter, she never deserved that.... So I left her to sleep and I put my mask on and I left to find the ginger haired General who made my daughter feel so low, her self esteem has hit an all time low, I need to bring her up in the confidence department too. I find Hux in the conference room with Aligant general Pryde, and with my voice modulator, I say to Hux, "General Hux, a word please?" I say and Hux replies, "not now, Kylo. I'm talking about strategy to Enric." I replied to Hux, "I want to talk to you, now!" Enric replies to Hux saying, "I can wait General Hux, Lord Ren wishes to talk to you, I'll wait." Hux reluctantly agrees to go with Kylo. "I don't see why I have to talk to you Ren... Make it quick." "My daughter is what I wish to talk to you about.... She told me you tried to hit on her and belittling her big time..." "I don't like it when she takes over my job, she's just an Nazgul..." said Hux. I got very angered by this and reply, "How dare you! You can't call my daughter that! She just had an emotional trinity episode, I had to calm her down... She asked me to deal with you! This is unforgivable, General Hux, I'm demoting you to Captain. I'm giving your rank to my daughter." "Careful Ren, you're so not going to do that are you?" I hear Hux say and I replied, "I'd watch what you say if I were you, Captain Hux. Don't make me send you back to your homeworld jobless." Hux nods and runs away. Job done wait til my daughter gets her General uniform. I got it in her size and set it on her bed, and I laid with her so she wouldn't be alone, I love my daughter and if making her general will shut Hux up then so be it.

I went back to her quarters to check in on her, and I saw she was crying still, but she was awake, watching a movie with such a very heartwrenching yet beautiful soundtrack, she was watching the movie Bambi, and she was softly crying to it.... I took the mask off, and I put it away, and sat next to her, and she snuggles into my side as I placed my arm around her in comfort. God she's so sweet and sensitive... I'll be her defender, she's my pride and joy.... My little princess of the First Order.... So I played with her hair and that she calms down to my touch, she asks, "did you deal with Him, father?" I reply softly, "yes, my sweet Pandora, he's been demoted to Captain, you've been promoted to General. General Pandora Ren. Has a great ring to it, don't you agree, sweetheart?" She just nods and saw her uniform, and I see her get into the uniform. She says to me, "I suit this uniform, thank you father. Please stay with me tonight... I love you dad." I hug her and agreed to stay with her tonight. So we just watched Bambi and Christmas buddies

End of chapter 1

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