Self-insert Whump #1

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Author Note: Okay so this is the first real whump I've written like, ever, so don't be too mean, please! I haven't really written fanfics since I was like, 12 so-

This was inspired by a prompt my friend found on Tumblr, from straight-to-the-pain, "Look me in the eyes or I'll make sure you can never look at anything again."

Anyway! I'll shut up now, here's the fic, enjoy!


"Hey!" Anti's hand passes in front of my eyes, which are trained on the floor. He's been reprimanding me for a bit, and the best way I can listen is by not trying to force eye contact. So, when I don't look up, he places his hand under my chin and roughly pushes it up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. He forcefully grips my face to keep me from moving it. "Look me in the eyes or I'll make sure you can never look at anything again." His voice glitches intensely, showing that he's frustrated. He wraps my strings around his free hand and yanks, sliding me towards him until our noses could touch if either of us leaned in any more. He's speaking in a harsh whisper, barely loud enough for me to hear, even as close as I am. "I want to hear you scream. You're a silent sufferer, and that has to change." He grips the strings close to my wrists and pulls, just enough to hurt, but not enough to cut me. "I want to hear you beg for mercy, calling me what we all know I am to you." I wince at the pain but don't give him the satisfaction of any noise. He suddenly releases me and takes a couple of steps back, His voice calm and even, all of a sudden. "Or don't. Your choice. You're smart enough to make the right one, and you know what the consequences will be if you don't, right, pet?" I nod and roll my eyes slightly, clearly shrugging off the threat. I know he noticed when he says "clearly you've made your choice," and turns to leave. He isn't even halfway out the door when it hits me, what he's going to do, and I scream after him, not caring that I'm giving him the exact thing I didn't want to just moments before. "WAIT!! NO, PLEASE!" He steps out of the doorframe and shuts the door, coming back to me. "I- I'll.... I'll behave, I'll do whatever you want me to, just don't hurt them!" He scoffs. "Cute. Too bad you've already decided." He turns to go again, and I make another last-ditch attempt, anything to save them. "WAIT! I'm sorry, Master!" He comes back, again, this time with an evil smirk on his face. "I'm sorry? What was that you said?"

"I said I'm sorry, Master! I'll be a good puppet from now on, just don't hurt them! Do anything to me, I'll put on a show, as long as no harm comes to them!"

"Hm." He seems to be thinking but suddenly yanks me across the room to him, close enough for our noses to touch, yet again. "Why did it take you so long, my dear puppet? Did you think you really had a choice in the matter? How naïve of you... I've had you wrapped around my finger since you knew me." He pulls out His knife, and I know what's coming. "Now, put on a show~" He made it so my strings would hold my hands above my head. From there, He made small cuts along my arms and sides, short but pretty deep. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so the most I did here was inhaling a bit sharply. He left a couple of larger cuts along the entire length of the inside of my forearms, which normally wouldn't have resulted in an exclamation of pain, but I'd promised to put on a show, so I played it up some. He then dragged the knife down, stopping the tip directly in the middle of my chest. He made a shallow cut along the entirety of my torso, and went back through it a couple of times, resulting in genuine exclamations.

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