Tetsurou Kuroo

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'Y/n-chan, wake up!" I looked around my surroundings, looking up i saw Hinata.

"Come on, Come on! Im getting excited!" Todays the day for Karasunos' Tokyo Training Camp.

"Hinata Boke! Dont wake Y/n-chan like that!" He hits Hinatas' head making him apologize to me.

"Sorry Y/n-chan!" He then bow downed to me and i nodded.

   We then got inside the school and entered the Gymnasium. I went to sit on the Bench with the Coaches with Kiyoko-Senpai and Yachi-san.

   Some teams then entered when someone caught my eye. A tall guy, with handsome features and had a black hair. I stared at him for a long time until he notices me and i looked back at Karasunos' Practice Match.

   When i stared back at the guy, he was doing pretty good at Blocking maybe hes a Middle Blocker? I stared at him for awhile and they won the Game beating Ubugawa High.

   My wrist then hurted, i then noticed a letter at my wrist. K was written and got confused on what it meant. Why would a 'K' pop out of my wrist?

   I shrugged it off and watched Karasuno and had their first lost in their first Practice Match, since they're still new in their techniques that they have learned, their still getting in to it.

   After a while, Kiyoko-senpai told me to help her cook for the boys, i helped her and delivered the food for the boys. They all ate happily and i got confused on why Kageyama-san was waiting for Hinata-san to eat.

   We all went back to our bed and drifted off to sleep.

[ In the Morning ]

  I got up and told Yachi-san to help me with the breakfast and told her to wake Kiyoko-senpai up.

  I got outside and yawned walking and got my way through the Kitchen.


"KENMA! KENMA!" Kuroo shouted wanting to cry.

"What?" Kenma asked, he groaned out of frustration after Kuroo shouted his name early in the morning.

"Look at my wrist! Did someone drew on it?" He tried removing the letter that was written on his wrist.

"Let me take a look at it." Kenma then got it why theres a letter written on Kuroos' wrist.

"You'll find it out." Kenma shrugged and left kuroo who was puzzled about it.

   He then tried asking his Best Bros Bokuto and Akaashi who was laughing at him.

"Stop laughing at me and tell me whats going on!" They wiped their tears that came out of their eyes after laughing so hard at Kuroo who was puzzled, Akaashi then speaked.

"You got yourself a soulmate Kuroo. Look at the letter." A letter 'A' on it.

"Your soulmates last name has A on the beginning." Akaashi then nodded.

"Find her Kuroo, you might lose the sight of her soon." Bokuto and Akaashi left when their Managers called them for a breakfast.


   After some practice matches, Y/n decided to stay outside on the schools' grass to relax after getting tired doing some assigned task to her.

"Hey.." Y/n then looked up at the guy.

   The guy who she fell inlove with at first sight.

"H-hey, shouldnt you be eating on the cafeteria right now?" I stuttered trying to relax myself for having him near me.

"No im fine, i wanted to relax too and saw you here."

   I then held out my hand and introduced myself to him.

"Im Y/n Aoki, nice meeting you." He then held out his hand when Kuroo noticed Y/n's wrist, the letter 'K'.

   Y/n also noticed on his wrist that there was a written letter 'A'

"Aoki?" "Kuroo?"

   They smiled together and blushed.

"You're my soulmate after all." He grins and kissed Y/n under the shooting star.

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