He looked around the college campus, his passing over all the people as if they were lamp posts. “Whatever you say,” he mumbled.

I was about to snap out a reply when I heard my name being called behind me.  I turned around and saw my friend Hannah walking over to us.  Hannah and I had had our Introduction to Psychology class together first semester freshman year.  We had remained good friends, both in the psych major.

“Hi,” she waved as she caught up to where Topher and I were standing in the middle of a path. “What are you up to?  Who’s that?” She nodded toward Topher, who was watching our interaction with a disinterested expression.

“This is Topher,” I introduced. “He’s a…family friend.”

I watched as Hannah’s eyes travelled up and down Topher before she turned to be, her eyebrow raised suggestively.  I frowned at her and turned to Topher.

“Topher, this is my friend Hannah.”

Topher dipped his head in greeting and smiled. “Nice to meet any friend of Leila’s.”

“You’re British!” Hannah squealed.  I watched as her interest in him increased.  I felt like rolling my eyes. 

He laughed, although I could tell it was just as an act. “You Americans are so clever with picking out accents.”

Hannah giggled, but I was fairly certain Topher was making fun of her and calling her—along with American humans in general—not clever.  I glared at him for being rude to my friend, but he ignored me.

“Do you go here?” Hannah asked with a wide smile.

He chuckled humorlessly. “No, I’m here with Leila today, just to…explore.”

Please don’t ask what he thinks please don’t ask what he thinks please don’t—

“And what do you think?” Hannah asked.

I inwardly groaned.  Hannah always asked too many questions and Topher had already made the point that he never lies or dims what he really thinks.

“It’s very different from where I studied,” Topher cryptically replied.

Hannah’s aura flashed, and her interest in him spiked more.  I had to separate them soon; when Hannah became interested in someone, she never left him alone.  She ended up getting used by guys a lot.  I didn’t know what Topher would do with Hannah’s clingy puppy-dog affection, but I wasn’t about to find out.

“And what was that like?” She asked, slowly licking her lips.

“I just remembered we need to get home,” I blurted as Topher was opening his mouth to respond.  He smirked at me instead.

Hannah looked at me, confused. “Don’t you have another class this afternoon?”

“Uh…Topher and my dad have plans, so I just need to drop him off and then I’m coming back for class,” I lied.

Hannah looked momentarily disappointed, but she turned back to Topher with a wide smile. “I hope you like it here.  Maybe I’ll see you around later?” She asked, biting her lip gently.

Topher glanced at me for a second and took in my tense state.  With a snide grin, he turned back to Hannah and winked.  “Definitely,” he murmured.

Hannah’s aura flickered, as if her heart skipped a beat.  I wanted to groan.  I knew she was going to pester me about Topher now until she saw him again.  This wasn’t a good sign.

“But now we have to go,” I said quickly. “Bye Hannah.”

“Bye,” she said, slightly dazed, her eyes fixed on Topher.

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