Quick Announcement

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Hello Readers and Followers,

I was wondering if you would like me to put different hairstyles in my writing instead of putting [H/L] or something like that. I'm not sure but one of the things that I really don't like when reading X Readers fanfics is that they usually write about their character, aka us, as having straight hair or being able to hold it back in a ponytail or a certain hairstyle that requires long hair whenever the Reader is going out. 

For this fanfic, I was hoping that every few paragraphs, whenever I mention hair for something, I'll change it every so often from curly hair in one paragraph and then a bob haircut the next time I mention hair. I don't know if I'm describing this well enough but I think I made myself somewhat clear? What do you think?

I should probably make some examples but I'll do that later.

Also, I would like to apologize for leaving the last chapter as a cliffhanger, I'm having some writer block and been procrastinating it. I also had to rewrite Chapter Three because I hated how it sounded when I was reading it to myself. Plus it didn't really match up with the original summary I made for Chapter Three but I'm doing it right this time. Also in case you noticed, I've been writing usually around night time, from eleven-thirty to at least two am, so that's why I'm always posting chapters around that time. Just to clear things up about that XD.

But that's all and I'm planning to at least post Chapter Three in a week or so because it's. FINALLY. SUMMER. WOOOO.

Make sure to be safe. Keep a mask on. Support the BLM protestors and wish them safety as they try to bring justice to our corrupted world, America, and stay happy. 

Signing off for now. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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