Child Reader x Fujin (Part Two)

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(Two Steps From Hell - Star Sky)
You wake up to see your father asleep on the floor of your room. The grey clouds outside have since passed, revealing the night sky full of stars. "Papa," you call out, causing him to stir. He blinks his blue eyes a few times, then looks up at you. "You're awake," he stands up, his hair slightly messy.
Lifting you out of your crib, he asks, "Did you sleep well?" You nod. He smiles.
The halls of the Sky Temple are quiet and dark.

While walking down the hall with you in his arms, Fujin begins to sing softly, much to your enjoyment.
"Here we are,
Riding the sky,
Painting the night with sun.
You and I, mirrors of light,
Twin flames of fire,
Lit in another time and place...."
You look out at the starry sky, not realizing that there is a war going down below on Earth.
Your father knows how to easily distract you from the horrors.

He keeps singing gently:
"I knew your name,
I knew your face,
Your love and grace.
Past and present now embrace.
Worlds collide in inner space,
Unstoppable, the songs we play.
Burn that page for me,
I cannot erase the time of sleep.
I cannot be loved, so set me free.
I cannot deliver your love,
Or caress your soul so—
Turn that page for me.
I cannot embrace the touch that you give.
I cannot find solace in your words.
I cannot deliver you your love,
Or caress your soul...."

You blink up at the stars as Fujin continues the song.
"Age to age,
I feel the call.
Memory of future dreams.
You and I, riding the sky,
Keeping the fire bright,
From another time and place.
I know your name,
I know your face,
Your touch and grace,
All of time cannot erase.
What our hearts remember stays,
Forever on a song we play...."

You take notice that Raiden is gone. He must have left after the argument. "Papa?" You cutting in stops Fujin in the middle of his song. "Yes?"
"Why were you mad at Uncle Raiden?"
He's quiet for a few seconds. "Your uncle and I sometime do not get along. Siblings fight over dumb things. That is normal, my tempest."
"I heard Uncle Raiden talk about an Hourglass. What's that?"

"It's..." His voice is soft, echoing slightly in the empty hall. "It is an ancient contraption used to alter time and space. I used it to create you."
"How?" You ask. You are a curious child, always asking questions, which Fujin encourages. "I do not know exactly how, but you formed naturally in suspended animation, like a regular baby. I waited patiently for the whole nine months. You slowly grew bigger each day...."

He clears his throat. "About four weeks after creating you, you were the size of a poppy seed." He laughs.
"Are those small?" You look up at him in wonder.
Your father nods. "At seventeen weeks, you were the size of a pear, give or take."
"Wow," you gasp. You know about certain fruits, but it's hard to imagine you being that small.
"It was beautiful watching you grow," he smiles, tears brimming his eyes. "Amazing, even." He kisses your forehead.

"And then I got to hold you in my arms, let you listen to my heartbeat....It's all I ever wanted."
Even now, you still find the sound of his heartbeat and voice soothing.
He carries you over to the temple library. You're decent at reading, but you enjoy hearing Fujin do voices for the characters.

"What do you want me to read, little one?" You scan the shelves for a book. You point to a dark grey one, making Fujin blush. "Ah, no, no, my darling. Not that one. That's—Raiden's. He wouldn't want us reading his book."
"Oh, okay," you smile. He picks a book with a sea dragon on it and sits down with you on his lap.

He reads to you, changing his voice as he talks in the character's voices. He tries his best to do a female voice, making you and him laugh.
"I'm trying my best here," he laughs, talking in his normal, calm voice.
"Will Uncle Raiden come back?"
He thinks before answering. "I'm certain he will."
'Hopefully,' he thinks to himself. 'If he's not busy protecting Earthrealm—which he always is....'

"(Y/n)," Fujin begins with infinite gentleness. "Once you reach of age, would you want to go down to Earth? Just to see it in all its beauty?"
You nod excitedly.
He smiles, looking down at you. "I look forward to that day."

(Also, do you guys want the Fujin x child reader to be its own story? I could make that happen, the first two chapters would be these parts, then I'd add on as the story progresses.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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