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~I don't own harry potter

~I only own the plot and Violet Dursley (she is not in the actual Harry potter)


~mentions of blood


Future books will have bxb

4 Privet drive


"Harry," Violet stated as her black hair glistened in the sun as they worked hard on the garden they were never allowed to use.

"Whats up Violet?" Harry responded setting down the shovel he had been using to look her cousin in her light brown eyes that had this small glint of purple.

"When do you think Mrs. Dursley might let us go back inside my sunburn is getting worse," She asked while gesturing to her burnt shoulders and face.

"Sadly only when we Finnish," he sighed out and then started working more on the plant he had to be watching over.

As the day went on the duo had their backs bent over the flowerbed as they worked on pulling the weeds and tending to the flower's needs. Sadly they had been poisoned right where the sun would always be on them so they flowers would be heather as Harry's aunt always says.

SCCHH "You two you have three minutes to freshen up then get started on dinner we want to be fed something better than yesterday," Mrs. Dursley barked out at them, "and put everything away this has to be cleared hurry up!"

The two had shivered at the thought of what happened yesterday for they had overdone the stake by just a bit and had no time to redo it. Then they had gotten up from the ground and started putting everything away for after 5 as of tomorrow 6 years of doing this they had gotten used to putting away things they weren't using when they were done for if you were not done cleaning up you get slapped.

Once dinner was over and they had cleaned up thankfully being able to get a little bit of food for not messing anything up they got sent back to their shared room, the smallest in the house, they started talking about nothing and everything of course quietly to not wake up the whale that was asleep.

"So, Harry are you excited about our birthday tomorrow?" Violet based clearly excited for their eleventh birthday.

"Yes but I have this feeling like something is gonna happen we should watch out," he stated with this small glint in his eye he always has when he is confident about when he had said.

"Alright, and is it just me or do you tend to also see that there had been a lot of owls recently especially when the one boy had his eleventh birthday?" she asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yes, I have do you think something like that will happen to us or something?" Harry asked still unsure of he should have asked or not.

"Probably not I mean our lives have been pretty normal so few besides the whole glass thing at the zoo but I bet that was nothing."


Well, harry good night," she states as she turned off the bedside table they have to share and got into her not to warm to new covers.

"Good night Violet," Harry whispered back as he also got into his bed and ready to face the challenges of the world tomorrow.


rap rap rap "Wake up and make breakfast for everyone and actually be useful," Mrs. Dursley whisper shouted through the door so she would not wake up her whale of a husband. The two woke up immediately and started to get dressed in different clothes and Harry put on his glasses and try raced downstairs quietly so they would not wake up anybody and get yelled at again.

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