Chapter 28 - Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

I turn towards the vault, but no one is by the opening so I hurry over to the hostages and help them stand if they can't.

"Now get out of here! The police should be just outside!" I tell them and soon, they're all out. I let out a heavy sigh and turn back towards the vault. "Well Peter, time to see what banks keep in their special vaults- Wait. That... that sounded really weird- You know what, I'll just go... God I gotta stop talking..." I mutter to myself, running to the vault opening.

I peak inside, but I just see another door that's been destoryed. I jump up to the ceiling again and crawl towards the other door.

"Spider-Cop. Back in business." I whisper, liking the sound of that.

I once again peak inside and I see a whole fricking room packed with money and even gold. How cliché can it get? I quietly jump down to the floor again and the criminals are filling up their bags with money.

I lean my arm on the destroyed door frame but miss it, making me nearly fall. I quickly recompose myself and just decide to cross my arms over my chest.

"I thought they taught you stealing was bad already in kindergarten." I comment, making their heads turn. Instantly, they pull their guns out and start shooting. I avoid the bullets and start with a plan how to web them up.

There's a big buff guy and two skinnier people with him.

"You two, continue filling the bags. I'll deal with this parasite." The buff guy booms and I frown behind my mask.

"Spiders are arachnids, not parasites dumb dumb." I correct, going in for a punch but I'm too slow and he gets in a hit instead. I fly back and hit the wall hard. "Mother trucker dude... that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick..."

"You are as annoying as ever I see." He comments, reaching for my neck. But I manage to avoid his attack and I'm quickly back on my feet.

Before he can react, I kick him and web his arms to the ground. Sadly... I underestimated his power and he fricking took out the floor where his hands were webbed up. So basically, now he has some floor pieces stuck to his hands that he can use to attack me with... which he does.

A smirk curls its way up on his lips and he goes in for another attack, which I duck away from. I notice the other two trying to sneak out, so I quickly web the exit up, making sure they can't escape.

"Not today friends." I say, webbing up on of the criminals, the other ducking away before it hit them. Suddenly, my spidey sense blares up, telling me to jump. I follow and right at that moment, the buff guy was going to ram into me. "Woah buddy, take it easy. You're like a bull, dude."

I can practically see steam leave his ears, making me chuckle. But he doesn't seems amused at all. I take a few steps back and like a bull, he skits his foot against the floor before attacking me again.

"Nevermind, you Are a bull."

"You're dead Spider-Man!" He yells out, running full speed against me.

"You know, if I got a dollar everytime a villain said that to me, I'd be rich." I joke, avoiding his attack and webbing the back of his head, pulling it down towards the floor. He lands on his back and I make sure to quickly get in a punch but he shields it with his arms.

Before I can react, he stretches his arm out and gets ahold of a gun close by. He aims it at me and pulls the trigger. I manage to avoid a few of the shoots but one bullet enters the left side of my abdomen and another bullet hits my leg.

"Shit..." I hiss, jumping back in pain. The wounds start to bleed and I know I have to end this quickly. Otherwise I'll be toast.

"Not so cocky now Spider-Man." The buff guy comments, still holding the gun. He aims it at me again but nothing happens when he pulls the trigger. "Shit!"

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