¿Can something go right?

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when someone is 11 years old it is probably common for something to go wrong but everything always goes so wrong.

The day of school arrived the first day I did not know what you are doing is just looking for people seeing everyone who is there and everyone saw me the teacher introduced me to the whole group.

She said this new student her name is Toddvino from another city to this school be very nice to her and other things but I did not pay much attention to everything she said always looking for Amber, what I never thought was what happened.

Well, I spent hours looking for her and did not find it until a boy came up to me and told me the new boy introduced himself to me and told me that his name was Carlos, and that he was here to be my friend, I greeted him and said that I was very pleased  .

And I introduced him to his friends and they approached me and they said that I played soccer very well because they had seen my brother, they had believed that I was him.

but I laughed and said that it had not been me they were scared because they did not know who I was, even so they were happy to meet me.  I asked them about the girl who was playing with them. The surprise was that they said that she was not in schools. She had moved to another school that year due to problems with certain things and wanted to know more about her. She did not know how to ask, so I did not say  I just spent that ordinary day waiting for something to happen. There were many girls at school and none wanted to talk about that day.

Only one was very nice, I think she was my first friend at school, I passed her and she explained Jessie was her name, the children said she was very cute but it was only because she had big breasts, I understand that her neurons were not in their right place  .  She was friends with Amber, but she didn't know how to ask about her. She asked me if I liked soccer. I said I loved him.

Men replied, she explained that she preferred volleyball.  He even knew it was a sport so he explained to me the rules I admit that I was interested in 6 players against six others a ball and a fight not to drop a ball only has the right to touch a set of points 3 times per team, it is interesting  .

I spend a lot of time in my day thinking that I always daydream sometimes I don't remember what I was doing. The great thing was that the bell rang and I left school and it was time for football.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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